8 Meanings
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Violenza Domestica Lyrics

Cattiva come adesso, non sono stato mai.

Ti faro male in posti nessuno potra mai vedere...nessuno!

Posti che ti faranna male per il resto della tua vita!


"Ma perche?"

"Ma sempre, sempre cosi..."

"Guarda eh... Ma, ma voglio dire che...che"

"Io non sono una persona che..."

"Basta! basta...basta, hai capito!"

"Ti prego!"

Sai che puoi fidarti solo di me, non ti crederanno mai.

Escolta, escolta, escolta mi bene, occhio!

I denti non possano dire niente, senza la lingua,
perche la tua lingua e' mia, mia, MIA!
8 Meanings
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here is the translation


Angry as now, I have never been before Angry as now, I have never been before

I'll hurt you in places that no one will ever see...NO ONE! In places that will hurt you for the rest of your life!

Why? But why? Why are you doing this? But always like this Look! But... look! But listen!

But I want to say that... that... But I am not the kind of person that...

Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Do you understand? I beg you! I beg you!

You know that you can trust only me They will never believe you

Listen to me Listen to me Listen to me well

Be careful!

Do you remember who is the head of the family?

The teeth can say nothing without the tongue... Because your tongue is mine! Mine! MINE!

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Awesome tune. I think this song definitely has some influence on what Patton was doing with Fantomas...it wouldn't sound out of place on The Director's Cut! if violenza domestica was also a movie that is...

In fact there are many quotes in the '60s Italian music. Both the text and the instrumental part. Quotes both songs to movie soundtracks of Italian cinema of those years. It can be said that the whole song is very "cinematic".

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I get goosebumps every single time I hear the powerful "MIA!"

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My Fav Mr Bungle song of alltime, yes of all time. Now that I know what the lyrics are I like it even more, I always knew it would be something twisted given the title Domestica Violenza.

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^whoops brain explosion violenza domestica.

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ha wow that's quite disturbing

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i love this song

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Bad one like now, has not been never. You beacon badly in places nobody potra never to see... nobody! Places that you faranna badly for the rest of your life! "Perche" "But perche" "But always, always cosi..." "It watches eh... But, but I want to say that... that " "I am not one person who..." "Enough! enough... enough, you have understood!" "I pray to You!" You know that you can be only trusted me, will not never believe to you. Escolta, escolta, escolta me well, eye! The teeth cannot say nothing, without the language, perche your language e' mine, mine, MIIIIIIIIIAAAAAA

this is what altavista translator gives me from italien. didnt work to well though

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