6 Meanings
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Land Of The Free Lyrics

From the shadows of the stars
Comes a man with no face, soul of million scars
An evil Count, The End of Days
He knows our ways and

Takes full advantage when we cannot see
Makes us live in an part-time reality

To get a hold of the only seed
We must make them all see bloodshed that is he
Splitting hairs is not the key
Water to fire

Takes full advantage when we cannot see
Makes us live in an part-time reality

One flash of light and for good we are gone
No-one to wonder what we have done
New breed of ignorance, new circle will start
Unless we try real hard

When you wake up, was it a dream
All the sick paradigmas all around the world
In the mean time, Count, he leaves
His job is done

Take full advantage when we cannot see
Make us live in an part-time reality
So he takes full advantage if we cannot see
Makes us live in an full-time insanity
6 Meanings
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This song reminds me of the stories of cthulhu mythos, things like Yuggoth, Mi-go, Great Cthulhu, Tsathoggua, Yog-Sothoth, R'lyeh, Nyarlathotep, Azathoth, Hastur, the Yellow Sign, the Elder Things, Deep Ones, Shoggoths, Hounds of Tindalos, Yithians, etc.

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This song, for me, has to interpretations:

  1. It's about Evil, Satan takin advantage of blind people.
  2. it's about the United States (The land of the Free, The home of the brave), who (as some people think) take advantage of ohe countries.
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I think it could have 2 meanings. Either, the more obvious example of Satan tricking us, or the idea of what drugs does to us.

From the shadows of the stars Comes a man with no face, soul of million scars An evil Count, The End of Days He knows our ways and

This line could either mean a time when Satan comes into our life, an "evil count" who can "end our days" by tempting us. Or it could mean a drug who "scars" our arms and our bodies who "knows our ways" because it controls our actions.

Takes full advantage when we cannot see Makes us live in an altered reality

Could mean either that Satan takes advantage of us making us blind to goodness and altering our vision. Or could mean a drug that takes full contorl of our body and alters our vision of the world.

To get a hold of the only seed We must make them all see bloodshed that is he Splitting hairs is not the key Water to fire

To help people, we must warn people about Satan/drugs. We must not split hairs and worry about these things and waste time thinking about how we must overcome them, we must extinguish them like "water to fire".

Takes full advantage when we cannot see Makes us live in an altered reality

See last.

One flash of light and for good we are gone No-one to wonder what we have done New breed of ignorance, new circle will start Unless we try real hard

We are knocked out by the drugs/Satan totally overcomes us. Not too sure about those lines.

When you wake up, was it a dream All the sick paradigmas all around the world In the mean time, Count, he leaves His job is done

When you wake up after this, perhaps knocked out by drugs, you wonder what happened and if you were dreaming. Meanwhile, the drugs are out of your system, they've done their job. Either that or Satan leaves you alone after tricking you because his is evil.

Take full advantage when we cannot see Make us live in an altered reality And he takes full advantage when we cannot see Makes us live in an altered reality

See last.

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Bush-bashing, no doubt. It and To Create a Warlike Feel fit each other like gloves.

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Released September 4, 2001. The name gives away that it's about the US, but I doubt it's Bush-bashing already. (If it was, then Tony has my deep respect for seeing so early what took so many so long to see).

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Just a good power metal song. Interpret it however you like, not saying that other observations are wrong, but I feel it could be taken in many ways depending on the individual.

Love the solo and "hey" part...gets me dancin' every time.

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