16 Meanings
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Tears Lyrics

Our love, girl, is going through changes
I don't know if I'm alive, dead, dying or just a little jaded
Someone throw me a line
You know I need it, I need it bad

Lost in a maze of my own making
No way out that I can find, send home your hard working jury
I'm going down this time
You'd better believe it, yes, you had

So if you hear me crying, or talking in my sleep
Don't be afraid, it's just the hours that I keep
We gotta love to last for a million years
A love that could never fade through the tracks of your tears
All I can do is hope that you will see me fall
Do your best to smash my picture on your wall
Forgive me baby, absolve me, my dear
I've seen the future in the tracks of your tears

I've seen the future in the tracks of your tears
of your tears, of your tears

I cast a shorter shadow with every passing day
No time to think I'm just fading away
SOme kind of magic in all your hopes and fears
Show me the future through the tracks of your tears
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Submitted by
bo On Apr 17, 2002
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16 Meanings

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Cover art for Tears lyrics by Stone Roses, The

Epic song. The great thing about songs\poetry is the ambiguity allows the listener\reader to project the meaning from their own lives onto it, and hence it becomes far more significant and enjoyable.

To me, this is a man in a long-term relationship ("We gotta love to last for a million years"), who knows he doesn't love her ("Our love, girl, is going through changes. I don't know if I'm alive, dead, dying, or just a little jaded"). He's once again in bad-books ("send home your hard-working jury, I'm going down this time"). He knows the relationship is doomed, knows he must end it, yet can't tell her ("So if you hear me crying, or talking in my sleep. Don't be afraid, it's just the hours that I keep"), because he knows it will destroy her ("I've seen the future in the tracks of your tears").

He thinks the only way she'll ever get over him is if he splits because of some failure in his own life, perhaps drug-addiction, then he'll never have to break her by telling her he's fallen out of love ("All I can do is hope that you will see me fall"). He knows it's coming ("I cast a shorter shadow with every passing day ... I'm just fading away"), and when he does leave her, he desperately wants her to be strong enough overcome her loss ("Do your best to smash my picture on your wall"). But he knows he means the world to her ("Some kind of magic in all your hopes and fears") and he's beset with worry that she'll never recover ("All those tears") ("I've seen the future in the tracks of your tears").

Utterly haunting and brilliant.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Tears lyrics by Stone Roses, The

anyone else think this sound abit like the second half of Stairway to Heaven?

Cover art for Tears lyrics by Stone Roses, The

Realizing that you have found someone who makes you contemplate your whole way of living. But even though you want to change a reckless way of living for this person, you feel like you can't do it yourself - that you need another person to hold your hand along the way. This song hopes for the other person to see your fading and carry you to better things.

Cover art for Tears lyrics by Stone Roses, The

sorry bo the second coming is good but the stone roses is in a league of it's own.

Cover art for Tears lyrics by Stone Roses, The

This is my favourite Stone Roses song. Stone Roses has some brilliant songs on but Second Coming seems to flow better. Forget Johnny Marr, John Squire is the best indie guitarist and this is the best guitar driven indie album ever written.

Cover art for Tears lyrics by Stone Roses, The

I dunno, but it sounds to me like he loves this woman so much, but he can still feel his pain, in spite of how much he loves her, and want to do right. He feels empathy for the pain he is causing her, because she loves him, and she feels HIS pain. Kind of like a catch 22. On one hand he is feeling he must separate from her, and wants her to separate from him (smash my picture on your wall), because of the painful empathy. On the other hand, that painful empathic bond is also keeping him hanging on, even as he feels he is close to the end (Some kind of magic in all your hopes and fears Shows me the future through the tracks of your tears). The tracks of your tears is about the pain she feels because of his suffering...those tears are for him. And on the one hand he does not want to cause her suffering, on the other hand, it is like a lighthouse in his own pain, that is dragging him under.

That is how it feels to me.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Tears lyrics by Stone Roses, The

the second coming is better than the stone roses, sorry

Cover art for Tears lyrics by Stone Roses, The

yeh supose

Cover art for Tears lyrics by Stone Roses, The

my shadow is hrot and getting shorter every day, no matter how hard I try to hold on....this song is jesus

Cover art for Tears lyrics by Stone Roses, The

You guys are crazy for thinking that.