33 Meanings
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Fuck You All Lyrics

Fuck you 6x all How the fuck do you tell me
How to fuckin' do this song
You'll never lead my life
So you'll never understand
Why the fuck I do the things
That I do everyday

Don't come up to me
Don't you say that we are free
You can take your stupid
Love and peace power
I'm in love with beer
All you fuckin' bastards
Can just fuckin'go away
'Cause you make me sick to my brain

Fuck you, Fuck you
Fuck you....6x...all

All you fuckin' bastards
Try to make me sick
Every fuckin' chance you can
You try to make me fall
Every fuckin' chance you can
You try to preach to me
But you'll never understand
I just wanna be free

We are leavin', leavin' in our time
So do it fuckin' now
Every fuckin' now
Every fuckin' chance you can
You just bring me down
I can't take no more
Of all your fuckin' lies
So All I hate to say to you now is

Fuck you, Fuck you
Fuck you....6x..All

I don't like your kind
I never liked it before
So why why don't you just
Go away and fuckin' die now

I just had enough of it
I'm really sick of the brats
So listen all of you this time

Fuckin' just let me be
Gonna get drunk and
You're not gonna get to me
Gonna fuckin' break some botlle
And not gonna give a damn
I'm just gonna make my own Rules

Fuck you...2x...Fuck you...2x...
Fuck you...2x...All
Fuck you...6x...All

I hate the whole fuckin'
Fuckin' stupid world
Every single time I realize
That I hate every fuckin' life
You never led my life
You'll never understand
Why I have to lead the life
That I fuckin' lead
Why you fuckin think you understand
Our fuckin' way of life
But you'll never understand mine
Fuck you...Fuck you...3x...All
33 Meanings
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this song rules!

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my favorite song. explains how i feel about most shit.

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Wow, this is angry. I alway have to wonder if people that have something so horrible to say are really having that bad of a time, or if they just really want some attention.

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wow, girl in green is a bitch, obviously they dont want attention, or they would be on fucking Mtv, u just dont fuckin get that people really can be mad, obviously ...mad enough to kill, let alone write a song.....p4l casualties fuckin rule

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i fucking love this song!!!

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This song really takes my anger away when im mad or in a bad situation, casualties are the best band in the underground and they kick

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Wow. Worst lyrics by the worst band ever.

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Fuck off and die u fucken pussy bitch (will.i.am)

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i hate all of you this song is too kids like will i am and on other casualties posts kids like AGlobalThreat this song really says "FUCK YOU IF YOU DONT LIKE US" and thats to everyother faggot bitch that has something bad to say about the greatest band in street punk history

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There is no such thing as "great" street punk. Sorry. Try again.

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