Maid of Orleans Lyrics

If Joan of Arc had a heart
Would she give it as a gift
To such as me who longs to see
How an angel ought to be

Her dream is to give her heart away
Like an orphan on a wave
She cared so much she offered up
Her body to the grave
Song Info
Submitted by
fletch699 On Apr 16, 2002
5 Meanings
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The lyrics seem to reflect the themes of sacrifice, heroism, and admiration for those who give themselves fully for a cause or belief. The reference to Joan of Arc, a historical figure known for her bravery and sacrifice, suggests that the vocalist is contemplating the idea of selflessness and the willingness to give oneself for a cause or belief.

The lyrics ask, "If Joan of Arc had a heart, would she give it as a gift?" To such as me, who longs to see how an angel ought to be" indicate that the vocalist admires Joan of Arc's bravery and selflessness and wants to follow in her footsteps. The lines "She cared so much, she offered up her body to the grave" further reinforce the theme of sacrifice and selflessness.

As for the music video,

The use of chess in the video is an interesting metaphor. The chess game is a representation of the battle of wills and strategy between the two individuals. Chess represents the conflict between Joan of Arc and her enemies, as well as between her aspirations and realities, which is another symbol for the song's overall theme.

Her religious convictions and the loss of her spiritual guidance are symbolically represented by the crucifix that was fastened to the horse falling off and into the snow. The brief scene of Joan of Arc and the man continuing their game of chess while looking at one another represents the continuation of their conflict of wills and strategies.

Joan of Arc is hit by an arrow, which causes her to tumble from her horse. The action then shifts back to the chess player taking a piece from Joan of Arc's side of the board, signifying her defeat in the game.

Following that, Joan of Arc is captured and tied up. The scene then changes to a close-up of a fireplace, where Joan of Arc is seen looking at it and possibly reflecting on her fate and the ultimate price she paid.

The man giving her a cross is symbolic of her redemption and her return to her spiritual beliefs. The smile on her face and the man's smile back at her suggest a sense of understanding and acceptance of her fate. The other man not being able to see her symbolizes the idea that not everyone can see or understand the sacrifices made by others.

The man playing chess sees Joan of Arc pass by via the window on her horse, and off into the darkness as the video finishes. This scene suggests that Joan of Arc's spirit is free and at peace, but her physical body is not, which reinforces the theme of sacrifice and redemption in this conclusion.

My Interpretation
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The Lyric is

"Like an orphan or a waif"

Your lyric does not make sense

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I agree as to why there are no comments on this song, it's a triumph of a haunting melody coupled with lyrics brilliantly written by Andy McClusky, who is obviously in awe (or in love) with the image and aura of Joan of Arc. It is not the only time that she has been mentioned in his songs. The woman in the video is stunning too, but that's just my personal opinion! I would like to think that the original Joan of Arc might actually enjoy this song, though whether it would translate into French very well is anyone's guess.

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This song is so classic. Why the lack of comments ?

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Wonderful melody and epic lyrics. It is one of the songs without which the eighties would have never been the eighties.

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