7 Meanings
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Every Single Day Lyrics

See all the people- Longing to be
Living their lives regretlessly
Trying to repress the pain in their lives
Reassuring themselves- Living with lies
No way to break through- Not on my own
Can't push away all the sorrow I've known
Have to release every thought or care
And take control life is a dare
I can start over today
Live my life a different way
Can't I find a way to erase bad times to make
Everything OK
I'll start over and live- Every single day
Regrets and memories- No remorse- No apologies
No reason for me to despair- No future at all
Ask if I care
I got time- On my side- Twenty four hours in my life
Can't hang on to what's in my past
Full speed ahead- Hard and fast
At the end with each dropping sun
Can't erase what has been done who cares
What happened long ago- I don't want to know
Can't face tomorrow with these thoughts
Of yesterday
I can't escape the lies and make them go away
Wish I had the answers to help me make it through
Can't shake these images no matter what I do
I guess I'll use them to make a stronger man
I'll use each
Twisted tortured memory to help me understand
And I will learn
From mistakes that everyone makes- I've got
To find a way
I guess I'll have to live with them- every single day
7 Meanings
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To me, this is always among my top 5 Pennywise songs. It's an anthem that everyone should listen to. Definitely pertains to the "live fast, die young" theme, but not so directly. We never no what's goin to happen, so live each and every single day to the fullest, and always try to learn from your mistakes and make the best of what you're given.

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What I love about Pennywise that their music really goes euphorically and their lyrics are easy to understand, directly written and approachable and partly, as to find in this case, realizeable for everyone. It gives the advice to each and every single person out there to live a life in which you can say at any time: I didn't was a god damn second (especially not by producing feels of guilty to a so called creator).

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It's about forgetting about the past and living everyday to the fullest instead of worrying about what could've been

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i love pennywise! yaay

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yes, it is about living your life to the fullest, but it also a song about moving on with your life in a positive manner. He seems to have dark memories of the past that haunt him, and hinders him from living his life to the fullest. So he is saying "hey i gotta one with my life and accept the mistakes that I've made and use them to further my own well-being".

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yes this is one of my favorite pennywise songs as well...charge hard.

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As said, a song straight to the point. It's my favourite song and always lifts my spirits when someone tries to stamp on you.

Live your life every single day, dont do it tomorrow, or next week, do it today. If bad memories kick you down, sweep them aside and move on.

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