What Is and What Should Never Be Lyrics

And if I say to you tomorrow
Take my hand child come with me.
It's to a castle I will take you
Where what's to be they say will be.

Catch the wind see us spin
Sail away leave today
Way up high in the sky.
But the wind won't blow
You really shouldn't go
It only goes to show
That you will be mine
By takin' our time. Ooh!

And if you say to me tomorrow
Oh what fun it all would be,
Then what's to stop us, pretty baby,
But what is and what should never be.


So if you wake up with the sunrise,
And all your dreams are still as new,
And happiness is what you need so bad,
Girl, the answer lies with you, yeah.


Hey, oh
Oh the wind won't blow and we really shouldn't go
And it only goes to show-ow-ow.
Catch the wind, we're gonna see it spin
We're gonna sail, little girl
Do do do, bop bop a do-oh
My my my my my my yeah
Everybody I know seems to know me well
But does anybody know I'm gonna move like hell
But they're never gonna know 'cause I move like hell.
(pick one...heh)
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Cover art for What Is and What Should Never Be lyrics by Led Zeppelin

To expand on what taylorsapien wrote, it's about confidence and believeing in yourself, especially when dealing with relationships. As I have learned though my life experiences, this is where most guys totally blow it. Women want men who will take their hand and lead, without controlling or being a jerk. In this song, the guy tells the girl he is gonna take her where she wants to be and that once they arrive there, she will find that she is right where she wants to be. Confidence. But her happiness still lies with her, so she's not controlled by him. She melts, he's got his babe. How did these guys write so well??? One of my favorite Zeppelin songs.

Cover art for What Is and What Should Never Be lyrics by Led Zeppelin

Again, one of my favorite Zeppelin songs. I see it as a song about a man taking away a child or a young woman to a place to escape from reality. The castle is a dream, or a fantasy world in the girl's imagination.

"Then what's to stop us, pretty baby. But What Is And What Should Never Be" Basically, the things in reality the girl see happening and does not want to see happening. This could range to a lot of different things.

"So if you wake up with the sunrise, and all your dreams are still as new," She has woken from her dream, and finds the dreams still fresh in her mind. The next line tells the girl, that if she wants what is in her dream or imagination, than she can find it in herself.

The chorus and the last stanza I haven't really given much thought to yet. But when I do, you can be sure that I will tell you all what I think it means.

I think this song is about a guy who is daydreaming about a girl. The guitars and beat on the verses suggest lazy imaginings. But, the pumped up, hard rock riff of the chorus suggests feeling the excitement of love.

I would think this is to a girl the singer likes and would like to make her feel good. 'And happiness is what you need so bad' suggests that the guy wants to make her happy.

The guy dreams of taking her off to some perfect place in the sky where they can be together. It also suggests that if...

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Its about a romance Plant had with his wife's younger sister

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Cover art for What Is and What Should Never Be lyrics by Led Zeppelin

it's a dream world that once again, zeppelin creates their perfect woman and the perfect place to make love to her at, a castle that can only be reached by immagination. or a magic carpet ride.

Cover art for What Is and What Should Never Be lyrics by Led Zeppelin

honestly, this song is quite self explanatory. "what is and what should never be" clearly relates to a relationship with a female. basically this song is in hope of favoring "what is" as she will be his by them "takin our(their) time..." it's not that hard to interpret. what is and what should never be is pretty much the age old question of asking out a girl and or trying to "mack" it, seeing if she is feeling you. in this song, zeppelin speaks of the force, the force being "what is and what should never be" taking charge of all attempts at relationships, whether they be long term or short term, most likely sexually related relationships. nothing wrong with ones of that sort, they're always the best. -PEACE-

Cover art for What Is and What Should Never Be lyrics by Led Zeppelin

One thing that might help people decide is look about 5 second from the end of the song turn the music up really high, he says "I want you" quietly

Cover art for What Is and What Should Never Be lyrics by Led Zeppelin

Its not as deep as all that.... Plant was way into his wife's sister... he was dating both of them and married Maureen because he got her pregnant.... its about the sister and forbidden love...

yup, that is exactly what I have heard too. I think it was talked about in Hammer of the Gods.

Cover art for What Is and What Should Never Be lyrics by Led Zeppelin

"And if you say to me tomorrow, oh what fun it all would be. Then what's to stop us, pretty baby. But What Is And What Should Never Be."

I always see that line as somewhat Lolita-esque,

Cover art for What Is and What Should Never Be lyrics by Led Zeppelin

I agree with Atemporal somewhat on the meaning. But i believe the song is less about finding a chemistry, but instead a choice for a woman who has a man that wants her and needs to move. He promises her that the future with him will be bright.
"And if you say to me tomorrow, oh what fun it all would be. Then what's to stop us, pretty baby. But What Is And What Should Never Be. "

That Is and What should Never Be is dependant on whether she wants to go with him. And from the last line of the song it is clear that he is going whether she goes with him or not.

Cover art for What Is and What Should Never Be lyrics by Led Zeppelin

I agree with Atemporal somewhat on the meaning. But i believe the song is less about finding a chemistry, but instead a choice for a woman who has a man that wants her and needs to move. He promises her that the future with him will be bright.
"And if you say to me tomorrow, oh what fun it all would be. Then what's to stop us, pretty baby. But What Is And What Should Never Be. "

That Is and What should Never Be is dependant on whether she wants to go with him. And from the last line of the song it is clear that he is going whether she goes with him or not.

Cover art for What Is and What Should Never Be lyrics by Led Zeppelin

Our lives never mirror the dreams that paint our smiles, but that is why we dream, to smile.