102 Meanings
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The Young Crazed Peeling Lyrics

Are you ready to be liberated
On this sad side city streets
Well the birds have been freed from their cages
I got freedom and my youth

My name is Brody I'm from Melbourne
Fitzroy Melbourne Fitzboy Melbourne
I grew up on Bell St. then on Bennett St.
My mom kicked out my dad for battery
Found a way she found a way out of spiritual penury
Working single mother in an urban struggle
Blames herself now cause I grew up troubled
It hit me i got everything i need

My one heart felt too much from the start
Ive seen people come and go
Living large and living low
You can build up your walls sitting on death row
Let the curtain fall on your murdered soul
You can wash it all down swallow your story
Get smacked off your head go down in downroll glory
You wont solve it committing self inflicted crime
Go on pull the trigger this will be the last time

I speak of the truth the truth of the heart
Like a desperate thirst in a raging drought
Hey youth time flies by
Theres an everlasting battle for eternal life
I love a man from California
Hes the prettiest thing we got the same disorder
The way you feel is OK its never gonna change anyway

It hit me I got everything i need
102 Meanings
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This song is about Brody introducing herself, it's the first song by the Distillers most people here, so the lyrics are very apt.

Brody Dalle grew in Melbourne, and moved to LA when she was 18 with the money the Australian government compensated her for sexual abuse settlements.

The man from California is Tim Armstrong, Rancid's singer.

This song is also about growing up in deprived and hostile environment, but that everyone has the tools to get away from it.

Song Meaning
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I really like the Distillers, this song has so much feeling. Brody really lets you get to know her in it.

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Brody is such a sell-out. Why?? And why'd she trade in those two chicks and Asian man for two new white men?? Damn, she's just like her husband -- a sell-out.

She's still good though. Thank God.

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"I love a man from California Hes the prettiest thing we got the same disorder" those are my favorite lines from this song

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I love this song, and I love The Distillers! :)

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To Skankinrudegirl101, I agree with you. The Distillers sold out. I was seriously crushed when I was told they were on MTV by my friend. (I no longer watch MTV)
As for this song, I really hate it. I think it's one of their worst songs but I'm not saying I hate them, because, they are still one of my favorite bands.
This song really isn't their greatest. They could have done better. As for the whole "selling out" thing. I am mad, but, as long as they don't change their music, it's okay... I suppose. Anyone agree?

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how does a band making it on mtv allow them to have sold out? don't you see, if more people see them they sell more records therefore make more money which equals more good records. A good band being on mtv is a hell of a lot better then Britney and shit like that. So quit your fucking complaining.

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Well, for one, bands should never want to play for the money. That would mean they were "selling out". And having more money does not necessarily mean that they going to make better music. The Distillers already had a large fan base, so, playing for the publicity would be stupid.
And yes, I agree, a good band on MTV would be nice, but, the music industry is known for mangling,distorting, and destroying good music, and that's all we need to worry about. The amount of records they sell should never be as important as the music they make.

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im so fuckin tired about all these assholes who say that a band has sold out as soon as they go on mtv. THE DISTILLERS ARE STILL ON HELL CAT YOU STUPID MUTHAFUCKAS THEY ARE STILL BROKE AS HELL BEING ON AN INDIE LABEL. and they are still doin a great job makin music. ill give u another band that ppl say have sold out recently GlassJAw. Everybody immediately thinks that since they want cosmo. bloodloss to get some airplay they have sold out. one of the guyz said that he drives a fuckin broke ass van with no heat or a/c hmmmm selling out? i think not. so plz don't mistake good ppl with good music for sell outs especially when they're still on an indie label AND DOIN A BETTER JOB AT MUSIC THAN U!!

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Whoa dude, I never said they didn't make great music. I think they're a great band. And i'm still a huge fan. And, the thing is, I just don't want their music to change. I mean, lets say they don't get played on TRL or whatever they're aiming for in this. So, they change their music so more people would like them. That's selling out. So, I apologize for calling them sell-outs, I just don't want it to happen. No matter what label you're on, MTV seems to do that.

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