Wrong Number Lyrics
The sickly sweet colors of the snakes I'm seeing
Lime green and tangerine
The sickly sweet colors of the devil in my dreams
The sickly sweet colors of the snakes I'm seeing
Lime green and tangerine
The sickly sweet colors of the devil in my dreams
I give you a call
You know I’m getting kind of worried
She doesn't seem herself at all
Lime green and a sickly kind of orange
I’ve never seen her like this before
Started out in church and finished with Angelica
Red and blue soul with a snow-white smile
Can you dig it?
Can you dig it?
Started out in church and finished with Angelica
And now I dig it in the dirt and I’m down here for a while
...Down here for a while
Is there room in your life for one more trip to the moon?
Is there room in your life for one more?
The deep dark colors of the snakes I hold
Burn red, red and gold
The deep dark colors of the devil at home
Grabs me by the hair and drags me outside
and starts digging in the dirt. For a not so early bird
It's the only way for her to get the worm
Started out in church and finished with Angelica
Red and blue soul with a snow-white smile
Can you dig it?
Can you dig it?
Started out in church and finished with Angelica
And now I dig it in the dirt and I’m down here for a while
"Hello? Hello, are you still there?"

I just want to say a couple things here. Angelica is an herb. It's been known to have "medicinal' properties, and it's also used to flavor certain kinds of alcohol, like gin or absinthe. So he could be using it as metaphor for his drug and alcohol habit.
And as for the colors, whoever said it has to do with the American flag, the Union Jack (Britain's flag) is also blue, red, and white.
I think you've hit it right on the nose here. I have a feeling this whole song is about alcohol and being drunk. Everyone knows the cure have not been a stranger to alcohol. TEquila is kind of tangerine in color (and usually drank with a lime) and the more colored it is, the possibility of more mescal, a halucanagenic. also 'the only way for her to get the worm' may be the worm in tequila. Absinthe is also lime green and possibly halucengenic. Beefeater has angelica in it, its red and gold. ?
I think you've hit it right on the nose here. I have a feeling this whole song is about alcohol and being drunk. Everyone knows the cure have not been a stranger to alcohol. TEquila is kind of tangerine in color (and usually drank with a lime) and the more colored it is, the possibility of more mescal, a halucanagenic. also 'the only way for her to get the worm' may be the worm in tequila. Absinthe is also lime green and possibly halucengenic. Beefeater has angelica in it, its red and gold. ?
And the wrong number, the girl, etc...ever...
And the wrong number, the girl, etc...ever heard of drunk dialing? Its def about alcohol.
@Nighteshade Kitty. This is the best interpretation imo
@Nighteshade Kitty. This is the best interpretation imo

possibly about lsd....

It's about making a phone call when you're drunk and you dialed the wrong number.

I don't often comment on this site, in fact I'm mostly interested in everyone else's opinions. But I'm sad that no one.. NO ONE.. has commented on this song. I'm curious as to what it really means, or a few interpretations.
All I can gather from it is that the girl is being distant (it gets to friday and i give you a call you know i'm gettin kinda worried she doesn't seem herself at all) and he's trying to get a hold of her (maybe not by phone, but moreso metaphorically) but she won't open up. and he's upset because he had these plans.. (i'm thinking marriage possibly.. the started out with church part)
but, i don't know. and i'm curious to know what everyone else thinks.
another thing. this song makes me think of adam sandler in the wedding singer when he gets stood up at his own wedding. but probably because it's an 80's movie and he mentions in it before he plays his song that he'd been listening to the cure a lot.
can someone tell me about the color symbolism in here means? lime green and tangerine. burn red and gold. red and blue soul with a snow white smile. (i understand that red blue and white are america's colors but that's about it)
comment people!!

Every time I listen to the song (and I listen to it quite a bit), I come up with different possibilites as to what it could possibly mean. The only 'help' I've come across in looking for information on it's meaning is Robert Smith's own comment that he was "never quite sure about" the song...and I am not even sure if he meant lyrically, what the meaning is, or musically. Personally, although I can see how this song could be about a relationship being distant or growing apart--and since that is a recurring theme in a lot of Smith's songs, it is quite plausible--I have always garnered a different feeling from "Wrong Number," one of the reasons perhaps being because the song itself is quite different in several ways than other Cure songs. I keep getting the feeling that "Wrong Number" has something to do with the feeling of a foreigner being Americanized...that is where the "red and blue soul with a snow-white smile" factors in. The voice that answers Robert on the phone at the end of the song is American as well...and I think the garishness of the colors has tie-ins with the loud rudeness of American pop culture. The music video also gives me this impression. He's underground, part of this world of dark beauty, where he looks like he wants to be, then he's dragged into this world of brashness and bright colors, where he seems to want to get away. That's all I've been able to get my head around thus far....

this song is always always always in my head. What is it about anyways? lime green and tangerine? woah.

I keep getting the feeling a lot of the lyrics are there for their sound, the way they go with the other words. Otherwise, the whole song makes me think of an engagement that he broke off because it was spiraliting toward marriage too quickly, or something. That's so boring though, and the song's so much fun, I hope someone has a better idea. Sorrywrongnumbah's is pretty good

I remember reading that Robert said that the colours were a memory of how his sister (and other people) used to always be 'in fashion' with certain colours at certain times. Something about a call in America as well.. I think this song is so awesome and crazy. I love how you can hear him taking deep breaths and stuff, what a sexy man...lol

Firstly i would like to say that in my view there are very few songs that have one specific meaning. I think one example of a legitimate interpretation of a song is when, you know, your half asleep and the whole thing just comes togheter in your head to form some strange untiy. That then is the meaning. I had the idea sometime that this one is about watching tv for a long long time until your brain gets so numb that if some freind calls you on the phone you just answer "wrong number" and continue staring and druling into the tv screen. (despite anything the lyrics may imply)

it's about a 'crazy' person who is in love with somebody, and asks if his love dares to break old bonds and habits and wants to reach new dimensions together with him.
then he gets laid with somebody else, since the original chick could't make up her mind what she wanted.
or something like this. pretty weird song.