Gettin' In the Way Lyrics
Of what I'm feelin'
But you 'gone have to understand
He's my man now
I think it's sweet
I think it's stronger than any lie you can on me
He knows my heart
And that's the part
Your roots are dug up
So you might as well give up
You can't handle the truth
He let you go a long time ago
Now it's time to turn it loose
I've been a lady up til now
Don't know how much more I can take
But I'm 'bout to take my earrings off
Get me some vaseline
You better back down, before you get smacked down)
And here come you and your big mouth
Talkin' 'bout me
Telling him that you seen me
Up 24th Street with some other cat
But you know it's a lie
You keep lying to my man
Girl, I'm afraid I'm gonna take you out in the street and whoop your tail
For all it's worth
$5.99 or something like that

I love this song! bye!

her voice is full deep and harmonious..shes one of a kind..her album is SO HOT right now...;)

This song means that you better leave Jil Scott man alone b4 she whup yo ass lol.

This song reminds me of a girl who was getting in my way. If I ever see her in the street. . .

One line im not sure about; after preparing to fight off her arch-enemy, why does she need vaseline for?

One line im not sure about; after preparing to fight off her arch-enemy, why does she need vaseline for?

My dad told me this: when he was in high school, girls would put vaseline on their faces before a fight to protect them if they get scratched. I never saw girls do that when I was in high school, so I thought that was pretty funny.

did any of you watch the video??? it's crazy! man, i love jill scott...she is like none of those R&B bitches who wanna be the new beyonce!! she's a keeper...and i have her new album!lol
check out india.arie and yahzarah too... you'll like them!