23 Meanings
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Through Her Eyes Lyrics

She never really had a chance
On that fateful moonlit night
Sacrificed without a fight
A victim of her circumstance

Now that I've become aware
And I've exposed this tragedy
A sadness grows inside of me
It all seems so unfair
I'm learning all about my life
By looking through her eyes
Just beyond the churchyard gates
Where the grass is overgrown
I saw the writing on her stone
I felt like I would suffocate
In loving memory of our child
So innocent, eyes open wide
I felt so empty as I cried
Like part of me had died

I'm learning all about my life
By looking through her eyes
And as her image
Wandered through my head
I wept just like a baby
As I lay awake in bed
And I know what it's like
To lose someone you love
And this felt just the same
She wasn't given any choice
Desperation stole her voice
I've been given so much more in life
I've got a son, I've got a wife
I had to suffer one last time
To grieve for her and say goodbye
Relive the anguish of my past
To find out who I was at last
The door has opened wide
I'm turning with the tide
Looking through her eyes
23 Meanings
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actually, faithinnothing, if you know the story of metropolis part 2, if i understand correctly, it's about a guy who goes to a hypnotherapist to find out about how a girl was murdered. he was that girl in a former life. note the line: "I've been given so much more in life, I've got a son, I've got a wife." This song's talking about how he's learned so much about what his life means by looking back on the life he had before.

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The entire album is great.

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BTW about that downloading try to look on MP forum and look at his opinion about downloading songs ... they primary point is to show theyr music and look on life to the world not to make money ... that comes with it ... even these downloads alot of helped for sales ... if u start to downloading DT and like them u will get in love with this band and buy yiour own CD cause of respect what u have to their work

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The exact meaning is a little puzzling to me, but it's hands down the most beautiful song Dream Theater have ever written.

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i'm not really sure exactly what it means, but it's one of the most beautiful songs i've ever heard.

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Great Song. The live version from the "Scenes from New York" is even more beautiful!

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In "Live Scenes" when Petrucci breaks into his elongated solo i almost cry, it is just so kick ass.

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he' s talkin' about victoria....in scenes from a memory he talks about his duble pereson himself and victoria, a young girl killed years before (that every night he meets into his dreams)....when he realised that that girl is really existed he goes to her grave tellin' her that he feels like also a part of him self is died (descovering how she died)...all the entire album is concerning this history (it's a concept album)....it's one of the most beautiful cd ever....

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by l1b0ba1l on 11-30-2004 @ 11:59:48 PM
by FaithinNothing on 05-25-2002 @ 09:45:11 PM This is a great song. I heard it on the History of Trunks Special and I downloaded it right away!

good job faithinnothing, you just stole a song from dream theater. "i downloaded it right away" nice

Oh shut up! You don't know that they didn't download it from a pay thing! So stow it! Anyways did you know that it is actually illegal (in Canada at least) To force someone not to download for free because then your intruding on their privacy....I know I download by paying and theres nothing to say that no one else does...so next time don't accuse what you don't know...they may very well have stolen it...but they also may not have


don't judge anyything with out all the details

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In scene one on this site...you can see clearly the meaning of the entire album, DOOMSODIER explains it well enough!!!!

So check it out in the first scene.

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