15 Meanings
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Jezus (of Nazareth) Lyrics

I can't believe a single word that you're saying
I see your lips moving, but nothing's coming out
Who can believe a single word that you're saying
I see your lips moving& but I can't figure it out
I'm afraid of the crucifix hanging on my wall
You hear yourself screaming,but nothing's coming out
I'm afraid of the shadows dancing on my wall
I hear them laughing at me,but I can't figure it out
I know my limitations
I just don't know when to quit
I know when I'm addicted
But no, I can't get enough of that shit, what?

Jesus - Make everything all right
Where'd everybody go?
I know I'm losing, but I don't know what to do
Sweet Jesus make it go away
Mary, Joseph what I should I say?
What do I do?
When I was alone you just laughed at me
I held out my hand, you just closed your eyes
I only wanted to be good
All I wanted was a chance to make things right

Twenty thousand leagues deep on the mic
Mass murder, court convicted, terroristic creature of the night
No, don't let me get freaky tonight
No, don't feed me tonight
I been drinking way to much Jagermeister
Mommy pray for me, cause I'm not feeling right
I've been hearing these voices
They're telling me to take my own life
Breathe my last breath, eat my last meal
You got what you deserve
How's that feel?
15 Meanings
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I think BrianNeville has it right, Meth.

With The I know my limitations, but I just don't know when to quit. and when he goes over that line, he gets scared, and there's really no where else to turn in that moment, if your alone and fucked up on meth or any other drug really, except for whatever bit of religion he has, and just pleading with Jesus to just make it go away.

Thats what I get from it. I love the song though. its really an awesome bit of music, from the building of the beat and guitar riffs to the lyrics. One of (Hed) pe's best songs

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For me it has a few possiblities, anywhere from Drug abuse, to a messed up relationship.

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I think it's about M.C.U.D.'s struggles with faith in the supposed healing powers of Jesus Christ.

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It's kinda a redemption song I guess. Also about not knowing what to believe.

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Jarred was once a strong believer, but after the shit with Lynn Strait from Snot, he has become more sceptical. Lynn´s accident has a very strong influence on this song.

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This is about a struggle of faith yes, but I'd like to correct the lyrics if I may the opening is......I can't believe a single word that you say I see your lips moving, but nothing's coming out Who can believe a single word that you say I see your lips moving& but I can't figure it out I'm afraid of the crucifix that ain't on my wall You hear yourself screaming,but nothing's coming out I'm afraid of the shadows dancing on my wall I hear them laughing at me,but I can't figure it out I know my limitations I just don't know when to quit I know when I'm addicted But no, I can't get enough of that shit, what?

notice the little changes that make everything so important. He says I'm afraid of the crucifix that """""ain't"""" on my wall that's right AIN'T!!!!! Showing that M.C.U.D. has a fear of faith a fear of jesus really however he hides it because he is not completely sure about it. I agree that it is about Lynn strait to a degree but it is mainly about how MCUD never has proof of jesus being there because he feels all this hate going on. I share his exact feelings in this song. For the time being I am an athiest. but i could go on and on about all this so if you want send me a message using aol instant messenger.

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Actually, it says in the leaflet (?) in the front of the "Broke" CD that it's "I'm afraid of the crucifix hanging on my wall"... I did consider your version of it for a while, seeing as it wouldn't be the first time a leaflet from a CD cover didn't have the correct version of the lyrics, but after a couple of listens I decided that he definitely says "hanging" not "that ain't"

Are you sure it has anything to do with Lynn Strait? I know I don't know enough about the whole Lynn Strait thing to be sure, but I do think that if it had more to do with his death they probably would have made some mention of him in the leaflet, instead of just having Snot down in their favourite bands part.

Hell, was Broke even released before Lynn Strait's death?

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I think its pretty much saying that you can't rely on religion for everything I'm not religious myslef, but I know people that put their lives into their faith, and well, you can't do it you can't rely on your beliefs for everything when he says "Mass murder, court convicted, terroristic creature of the night," I think he's refering to people that see themselves as cleansed of their crimes because of their faith, no matter what they do then he says "No, don't let me get freaky tonight" its like he's asking god to stop him from doing things he shouldn't when really he needs to rely on himself to not do these things

I don't kown the background behind the song, just the meaning that is for everyone

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it means hes lost faith in religion(I agree with marnues) he maybe was brought up that way, but he doesnt understand it and doesnt think that it makes any sense to even have religion in your life. Hes confused about it.. I feel the same way. Religion is unreal... its a waste of time to me.

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I'm not sure about the meaning of this song. One thing i have noticed is that amidst all of this spiritual confusion He says "You got what you deserve Nigga How's that feel" Sounds to me like he knows what's goin down

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