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My God Lyrics

people on the street they want to find a god they'll never know organized religion pulls the blinds then they pull the wool they open up your head they're fucking with your mind now you can't see because you're blind you try to make amends but your heads still spinning round the church of jesus christ says it's time don't fuck around you want to go to heaven you see it isn't free give your money up to me

my god is not the one that you wanna to see your god is a mirage a conspiracy you pray for forgiveness cause your sinning scared to death so your money you'll be giving

holier than thou with your one way morality i think your shallow faith isn't based in reality you don't like how were living we're sinful and obscene why are you judging me? you're richer than god but you're crying out for more you're living like a king while you steal from the poor you wanna be forgiven get on your knees and pray send in your cash and be saved better hope you've been chosen to be saved cause your empathy only goes so far today pay no mind to those in pain they just want the souls that are willing to pay their way your god's not for me
20 Meanings
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no this isnt even close to being against Christianity or Catholics. its against the organizations that take your money in the name of God. sure, churches take in a collection, but in order to help renovate the place and pay the staff. Black Lung Fever and laneo, i must agree with you guys. i also see what walruspancakes is getting at. God doesnt want your money, he just wants u to help people. i think thats what this song is getting at.

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It's critical of ORGANIZIED religion, on how it makes people feel sorry for themselves when they did nothing really wrong, and how they steal your money for themselves, but claim it's for their God. I do believe the Pennywise members are not anti religious, hint the chorus. Also, in the "Peaceful Day" on Home Movies, Fletcher is shown with a cross around his neck

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This song is attacking organized religion. It is about how many religions like Christianty are trying to get peoples money by scaring them. I think this song is not telling people that religion is bullshit but telling them to find a better way to worship their God.

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um...not all christianity....mostly...just catholic...but you knew that didn't you?

Hey Catholics don't steal from people! spend five minutes in a church person! YOu just want to pretend that Pennywise likes you're religion so you can be like them! Deal with it Pennywise ain't religious, so don't pretend they hate only Catholics. Pennywise's messages are to accept people, no matter what their like. Obviously you're not a real fan. And this isn't anti all religions. It's just saying how corrupt some religion factors are.

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hoiler that thou is a metallica song,they use the name "hoiler that thou" in this song...

"kill the king"

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People, go on Kazaa or something like that and download a video called "Farting preacher". It's so fucking hilarious! Trust me, it's fucking great!

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It's both Catholicism and Christianity, actually it doesn't distinguish which ones (all of them most likely) it's taking about. ~Toronto Kid [King of Typos]

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Its any religions that cry out for funds for their TV stations to spread the word of god... They need money to pay the guy that is making the little graphic flashing their phone number across the screen... The song is saying forget all that shit, don't send the bloodsuckers money, and believe what YOU want to believe!!!

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I agree its how corrupting organizied religions are and about how you don't need some guy in a dress to tell you what to do.

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People are scared of death, and having nothing afterwards. Giving your money to a mass of churches who pretend to have your best intentions at heart will not save you. If there is a god or if there isnt a god these millions of priests who just want to be rich will not help you find him. Believe in what you think is true, not what the others say is true. Don't fear what you don't know, there is no real way to tell what happens after death so just enjoy yourself when you're alive cos if youve given your whole life to god, and when your on your death bed you start to doubt if it's true, your gonne be pretty pissed!

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