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Crown of Life Lyrics

'And it must serve as a statute to time indefinite to you people. In the seventh month, on the tenth of the month, you should afflict your souls...and you must not do any work...'

What reward could ever pay eternal
Not this compromise of who I am and what we are
They expect a simple faith, a common love
They claim to know the God who is above

Close your eyes or you will scream, afraid of God
Don't you understand that they claim what they are not
We stand, it is a crime; we are alone
We fall; they break us down just like a bone that

Snaps beneath the strain from every side
If we learn that we can heal, then we can rise
Our soul can never die, but it can feel
And love and hate and laugh and cry; if it is real

This life is just a trap
Another trick to make us think
That we are weak
But we forget that when we die
And we are free
And we are whole, we are one
Eternal life, immortal soul

In this world of give and take, of love and hate
Too many feed upon the fear that they create
In this world of give and take, of love and hate
Too many feed upon the fear that they create, for the Crown

It never busts, don't you ever snap
Never fear, and never long for what we had in the past
It's over now, we built a wall of lies
A fantasy which we despise, but we know

We had a choice we never made
And now we cry a waterfall, like it would help at all
Escape the blame that is now a part of you
A part of us; it is a crown of

Life is just a trap
Another trick to make us think
That we are weak
But we forget that when we die
And we are free
And we are whole, we are one
Eternal life, immortal soul

In this world of give and take, of love and hate
Too many feed upon the fear that they create
In this world of give and take, of love and hate
Too many feed upon the fear that they create

For the Crown
It is of Life
For the Crown
It for us to make

Wishes grant themselves if time is generous
A vision injustice could never embrace
And now the resource is drained

Sinking into the fabric, it smothers our shame
From day to day, purify this routine
Sinking into the fabric, it smothers our shame
From day to day, purify this routine
Sinking into the fabric, it smothers our shame

'Making your ear attentive to wisdom, and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you cry out for insight, if you raise your voice for understanding; if you seek it like silver, and search for it as for hidden tresures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord'
Song Info
Submitted by
sati On Jan 29, 2002
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3 Meanings

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Cover art for Crown of Life lyrics by Sickshine

well, someone COULD put down a comment or something...

Cover art for Crown of Life lyrics by Sickshine

God Sucks

Cover art for Crown of Life lyrics by Sickshine

strange as it seems, this band is DEFINITELY not christian, nor is this song. Clay wrote it for a girl named Daena, apparently. At least that's what she says...