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Sleepwalk Capsules Lyrics

taser taser kindergarten nap nap time
pacifier pacifies
highchair crumbles unannounced
like a draft from outside
pacifier pacifies
beacon shined a light from the faulty tower
pacifier pacifies
colossal in tons, unknowing it wants
pacifier pacifies
atop this podium built of fixation
they like to choke
all utensils are fixed on you

cranes perched in scows, in the windows they would peek
pacifier pacifies
snuck inside the sound of sleep
pacifier pacifies
don't sweat the hemorrhaging gland
don't sweat the hemorrhaging gland
pacifier pacifies
feast upon your illness
and let the puppet strings sag
pacifier pacifies
atop this podium built of fixation
they like to choke
all utensils are fixed on you
atop this podium split in confession
dripping with drool from the nerves
of this sentence
dripping with drool from the nerves
of this sentence

lazarus threw the party
lazarus threw the fight
snuck inside the sound of sleep

cloak a dagger plot
her sovereign majesty
pacifier pacifies
bullet ridden with vermin
be it the peasant stark frenzy
pacifier pacifies
held onto its tusks, naked and disrobed
pacifier pacifies
and the emperor still wears no clothes
Song Info
Submitted by
cbennett On Jan 27, 2002
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29 Meanings

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Cover art for Sleepwalk Capsules lyrics by At the Drive-In

i think listen-up may be right about government control...because of the whole, "podium" line. but i'll reply more later. one of my fave atdi songs by the way. so kickass. \m/

Cover art for Sleepwalk Capsules lyrics by At the Drive-In

it's about about things that are suppost to be power- ful and revolutionary(governments, the media and pop music), but fall apart in the end and/or are abused as to hurt those that it is supposed to serve. ATDI FOREVER.

Cover art for Sleepwalk Capsules lyrics by At the Drive-In

from what I see it is about us cloning, and they are against it. basically its saying, we are going about all this like little kids, and we don't know enough about this to be doing it.

Cover art for Sleepwalk Capsules lyrics by At the Drive-In

I think this song actually has more to do with their opinions on how the government controls our lives. ATDI feels that our every action is controlled by those in power.

Cover art for Sleepwalk Capsules lyrics by At the Drive-In

this might help you, as far as lazarus goes

in the New Testament. (1) Brother of Mary and Martha of Bethany who, after four days in the tomb, was brought back to life by Jesus. (2) Beggar in the parable who lay suffering and neglected at the rich man's gate. After death the rich man, parching in hell, pleads in vain that Lazarus, now happy in heaven, be permitted to give him a cooling drink.

i think it has something to do with hypocrisy

Cover art for Sleepwalk Capsules lyrics by At the Drive-In

allright this is what i think... think of the last day of the worst high school in the city. this is when you get to break out into the world and you have no one punishing you with stuff you didnt even do, "taser taser kindergarten nap nap time" so its almost like you've won the war and then comes the appreciation of what you have and dont have. you miss your old friends but you're glad that u miss them cause that way u know for sure how much you cared for your deapest buddies "lazarus threw the party, lazarus threw the fight" that is what i think.

Cover art for Sleepwalk Capsules lyrics by At the Drive-In

best lines of the song....

cloak a dagger plot her sovereign majesty

Cover art for Sleepwalk Capsules lyrics by At the Drive-In

best lines of the song....

cloak a dagger plot her sovereign majesty

Cover art for Sleepwalk Capsules lyrics by At the Drive-In

The chorus, oh my god. Jim's background yelling just makes it so awesome. That and the line: all utensils are fixed on you, the way Cedric sings it is amazing.

Cover art for Sleepwalk Capsules lyrics by At the Drive-In

im bored so ill have a shot maybe its about a big product that everyone is fixated on and it consumes you and gets into your mind and blah blah