The Wind Lyrics
to the wind of my soul
Where I'll end up well I think
only God really knows
I've sat upon the setting sun
but never, never never never
I never wanted water once
no never, never, never
they fall far below
I let my music take me where
my heart wants to go
I swam upon the devil's lake
but never, never never never
I'll never make the same mistake
"I let my music take me where my heart wants to go." This line has to be one of the best ever put to music. Music is such an essential part of the human soul that it can bring us where we need to be, instead of where our minds drag us.
I think the song is about Cat finding contentment in God. A lot of his music was about death and religion, but this song i feel is about how all that is behind him.
I listen to the wind to the wind of my soul
He's finally listening just to what his soul is telling him, and ignoring the misleadings of the world around him.
Where I'll end up well I think only God really knows
the second line of this is a just a standard phrase for not knowing, but here it means that truly only God knows, and he's putting his trust in that.
I've sat upon the setting sun but never, never never never I never wanted water once no never, never, never
Now that he's at peace, even sitting on the sun doesn't make him cry out for water, which I'm guessing means giving in to temptations of life.
I listen to my words but they fall far below I let the my music take me where my heart wants to go
His music has helped him get this far in it all.
I swam upon the devil's lake but never, never never never I'll never make the same mistake
Pretty clear here, he's put aside the dark things he did in his past, and he'll never return to them.
Heh. Whatever you say man. But to me, Cat Stevens is a musician and because of that I'll only judge him as a musician.
And f*ck, I just love this song.
This song was written when he was still christian, judgeing from the devil comment. I don't think he'd reffer to the devil as a devoute muslim, now. But yes, I understand the conflicts with him. Considering the American gov't in general wouldn't even let him into the good ol' U.S.A. for quite some time due to his giving money to knowen religious organizations that have engaged in terrorist actions against others. Cat Stevens swears that he knows nothing of what has been done with it and has always maintained his peaceful outlook on life. After all, this was written amongst many other anti war songs that he did. it was the 60's after all when he was at his all time heightened fame. Great artist non the less, although I haven't listened to any of his Yusif releases. Maybe some time i'll take the time and listen to it to see if his writting has gone to pot or not. Should be interesting non the less.
This song is so simple, yet so profound. I dig it.
When I heard this song on the Timberland ad, I went out and bought "the very best of". I never regretted it. Its a great CD, filled with songs like this one. So pleasing to listen to, yet it makes ya think.
I love this song, but I don't know what it's exactly about. To me, it means living a simple, enjoyable life. By going where your heart takes you, not having too many wants, and not dwelling on your past mistakes, you will live a happy, complete life.
you have to listen to the wind of your soul. you don't always have to know where your going. less is better.
this is a fantastically simple song, but it is so effecting. It is just saying that you should just do what you want, let the wind take you where you want to go. Brilliant.
this song is amazing.