12 Meanings
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Baby Appeal Lyrics

On the city streets, I got the tunes in my pocket
I'll play the Chili Pepper so the public can rock
Excuse me mister, won't you hear my thought?
I play in a band, yeah, we're called the Red Hots
While I'm away, boy, I'm afraid not
I've got no time to flick and talk
But this baby rocked out on the spot
She was a shakin' and a kickin' and that did a bit of tot
Her pop said no, but I just couldn't stop
The killer had a case of tod the rock

But here's a funky fact that I know is real,
The Red Hots have baby appeal
They dig a funky speil, they'll make some speil
I say the Peppers have baby appeal
The funk mobile is the one we wheel
I'm overjoyed, we have baby appeal
We serve those tots in the funk mobile
I'm overjoyed, we have baby appeal

We stop the fire, we quench the heat
We groove the buttocks walking out in the street
'cos that's when in the store when who do we meet?
On a hop skip jump up a baby beat
She was a shakin' and a kickin' those itty bitty feet
The next thing you know was she got out of her bleat
Five thousand babies walkin' out in the street
Well, that's a serious sight for me and golly gee wizz!
I just can't tell ya how much we did
Rockin' right out for those itty bitty girls, right out

But here's a funky fact that I know is real,
The Red Hots have baby appeal
They dig a funky speil, they'll make some speil
I say the Peppers have baby appeal
The funk mobile is the one we wheel
I'm overjoyed, we have baby appeal
We serve those tots in the funk mobile
I'm overjoyed, we have baby appeal, so get down!

Got the tunes in my pocket...
Baby appeal...
Rock out!...
Play the chili, play the chili, play the chili...
Yes, we're called the Red...Hots...

On the city streets, I got the tunes in my pocket
I'll play the Chili Pepper so the public can rock
Excuse me mister, won't you hear my thought?
I play in a band, yeah, we're called the Red Hots
While I'm away, boy, I'm afraid not
I've got no time to flick and talk
But this baby rocked out on the spot
She was a shakin' and a kickin' and that did a bit of tot
Her pop said no, but I just couldn't stop
The killer had a case of tod the rock

But here's a funky fact that I know is real,
The Red Hots have baby appeal
They dig a funky speil, they'll make some speil
I say the Peppers have baby appeal
The funk mobile is the one we wheel
I'm overjoyed, we have baby appeal
We serve those tots in the funk mobile
I'm overjoyed, we have baby appeal
Song Info
Submitted by
prismpuck On Jan 19, 2002
12 Meanings
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in the book scar tissue, anthony said that in when they were doing there very first album and trying to get theire name out there, they were playing in a tape of their music loudly in central park, and most people gave them dirty looks, but the teenagers who walked past just started rocking out to it in their own way. so baby appeal is kinda a tribute to that, that they appeal to tennagers and younger kids even if they couldnt reach any body else back then.

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What a great revelation for the character in the song, or the RHCP. They did their street performances only to find out who their real target audience is.

When we look at how the painted scene progresses, we can say it goes like this:

GOAL: Street Performance to get noticed as a band. UNEXPECTED EVENT: Older man doesn't like it, but the younger generations seem to dig their stuff. CROSSROAD/DILEMMA: Play for the younger ones and embrace the fact that their target audience is not the one they thought it to be OR change their music to appeal to the more grown-up population? DECISION: Embrace the fact that they have baby appeal. RESOLUTION: Their fan base has already grown to 5.000 younger people.

I like the performance element in this story that mirrors the band's experience as they started. And I love the message of the song: You gotta stay true to yourself and release your gift for the people who like it without worrying about what other people think or want.

My Interpretation
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This is one funky song that explains itself, but I hate where the guitar gets all fucked up around the chorus.

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its not "tunes in my pocket, its tunes in my box" as in boom box, as in the eighties

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its not "tunes in my pocket, its tunes in my box" as in boom box, as in the eighties

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Hello, does any one here care about lyrics her... GET WID THE PROGRAM FOOL... nah u guys r cool. Theres a story bout this tune, apparently (and i mean this is just apparently) ak was playin some run dmc or some freak like that and any way this little kid like 2 or three walked past on one of those kid-leash things and just started dancin in a wierd baby way, so then ak said (and i quote) "One day, i'm gonna write a song about that" and he did, it was featured on the chilli's debue album that was self titled and is track number 2!!! so yer! i just like to also say that I am a die hard chilli's fan and would like to congrratulate them all (all eight guitarists and hell no's how many drummers) on the 22nd year commin up this feb, u guys inspire me and i love u all!

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3 drummers excluding dh cuz no one knows if he ws even in the band. has it got something to do w/ flea aswell maybe he was there w/ ak when the baby danced

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Yeh the Chili recorded demos before they got a record deal with EMI. and they would play them to anyone who would listen, this was mostly little kids, they used to dance to it so the Chilis said that they had Baby Appeal because all the little kids loved their songs!

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yeh there were 4 drummers: Cliff Martinez (i've met him), Jack Irons, Darren Peligo (only for like one or two shows) and Chad Smith. The best one I think was Jack Irons the original member of the Chilis.

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i wonder what ever happened to that baby that "Rocked out on the spot"...she's got to be in her early or mid 20's now, i wonder if she likes the chili peppers. i know i do.

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