Numb Lyrics
And your need for love, makes you easy prey
Safety of a rubber glove seems much too simple
Climbing up and down, waiting for the day
You can't hear with my eyes open
I can hate with my eyes open
I feel better when I'm numb
Keep it clean, clean enough to stab
Lick your own wounds, anxious for the next one
Cry for more pain, heal what you have
You can't hear with my eyes open
I can't hate with my eyes open
I feel better when I'm numb
If you cared at all, you'd put me down
Wake up dead man, can't you see I'm starving
Wake up dead man, can't you see I'm starving
You can't hear with my eyes open
I can't hate with my eyes open
I feel better
I feel better
I feel better when I'm numb
lts funny l liked this song like YEARS AGO it was on big shiny tunes 2 1996 l think... but yeah nearly 10 years ago and that song meant everything to me, l listened to it 3 weeks ago after a weird sexual experience and just bawled at how completely apt it was-- not neccesarily what holly meant but for me "And your need for love, makes you easy prey" l want to be wanted so l get used "Safety of a rubber glove seems much too simple" condoms can protect your body but not your heart when they roll over and say 'its so grreat that you and l can share something like this and JUST BE FRIENDS' and a little self abuse be it mental abuse from allowing yourself to be someones play thing for the night or little cuts that you hide under bracelets hoping your parents and teachers dont see...... "I feel better when I'm numb" just how sometimes it pays to be apathetic.
i don't know why no one else has posted anything but this song totally rocks. the best canadian rock song by a women i think ever. she's not too bad looking either.
this is the first song by holly i listened too. she's really talented and i think this song is just about not letting yourself feel the pain you've given to someone else.
Lick your own wounds, anxious for the next one Cry for more pain, heal what you have
I'm pretty sure this is about self injury.
I heard somewhere that this song was about a heroine addiction. Makes sense I guess... I love it either way. She's wicked!
I love this song. I think it's maybe about a bad relationship and her self destructing.