Cure For Pain Lyrics
And tell me where where is the taste
Where is the sacrifice
And tell me where where is the faith
Someday there'll be a cure for pain
That's the day I throw my drugs away
When they find a cure for pain
Where is the cave
Where the wise woman went
And tell me where
Where's all that money that I spent
I propose a toast to my self control
You see it crawling helpless on the floor
Someday there'll be a cure for pain
That's the day I throw my drugs away
When they find a cure for pain
When they find a cure for pain
When they find a cure find a cure for pain

Few song's better encapsulate the lure of the needle better than "Cure for Pain". Morphine's lack of guitar driven ballads kept them from ascending to Rock Stardom, but their catalog is on par with virtually any group performing in the 90's. Cure for Pain may be their crowning achievement, while also naming the true makeup of an addict.
No one sets out to become an addict, it is brought about by chance and circumstance. Take someone that life has been dealt one too many blows, at their near breaking point, and present them with a pill that can ease the hurt. In their desperation to escape the hurt they accept, and for a brief time the pain evaporates and they are again in harmony with the world. Yet, peace is fleeting and they are left with an emptiness that is soon occupied by renewed pain.
Set adrift on a vicious tide, we will cling to the nearest branch. And so the cycle begins. Each time the emptiness demands more to stave off the pain. With a soul in disrepair, the addict cedes to emptiness if only to hold the hurt at bay.
We all will know pain at some point, and thus all reside within the reach of the needle's delicate sting.
The Sandman knew the sting but alas did not find the cure. Yet a plaintive wail of hope still echoes wherever "Cure for Pain" sounds in the grey of night.
but can someone explain these lyrics?
but can someone explain these lyrics?
Where is the ritual And tell me where where is the taste Where is the sacrifice And tell me where where is the faith Someday there'll be a cure for pain That's the day I throw my drugs away
Where is the ritual And tell me where where is the taste Where is the sacrifice And tell me where where is the faith Someday there'll be a cure for pain That's the day I throw my drugs away
i dont understand what he means by ritual and taste?
i dont understand what he means by ritual and taste?
Morphine's lyrics are often intended to be quite literal, seldom layered with hidden meaning designed for broad interpretation. Here the band presents drug abuse as a form of religion. The songwriter is seeking the wise woman in the cave (his supplier and voice of guidance in the religious metaphor).
Morphine's lyrics are often intended to be quite literal, seldom layered with hidden meaning designed for broad interpretation. Here the band presents drug abuse as a form of religion. The songwriter is seeking the wise woman in the cave (his supplier and voice of guidance in the religious metaphor).
The ritual is the process of using, which takes on an almost ceremonial feel for most addicts. The taste, the actual consumption of the drug, followed by the sacrifice that its use demands (physical, mental and monetary). In essence the songwriter has placed his Faith in drugs to rescue him from...
The ritual is the process of using, which takes on an almost ceremonial feel for most addicts. The taste, the actual consumption of the drug, followed by the sacrifice that its use demands (physical, mental and monetary). In essence the songwriter has placed his Faith in drugs to rescue him from Pain, but his salvation disappears so quickly that he is always left searching evidenced by the prominent use of Where and When in the lyrics.
When a new religion surfaces that can erase the pain, he will abandon his false beliefs. Until that day...

Can someone tell me what the deal is here? Are there two different songs, "Cure..." and "cure..." or just two sets of lyrics to the same music?

Someone mislabeled one of them. This is "Cure For Pain" and the other is actually "I'm Free Now"

better keep taking your drugs, no cure for your pain.