22 Meanings
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Candidate Lyrics

Forced by the pressure
The territory's marked
No longer the pleasure
Oh, I've since lost the heart

Corrupted from memory
No longer the power
It's creeping up slowly
That last fatal hour

Oh, I don't know what made me
What gave me the right
To mess with your values
And change wrong to right

Please keep your distance
The trail leads to here
There's blood on your fingers
Brought on by fear

I campaigned for nothing
I worked hard for this
I tried to get to you
You treat me like this

It's just second nature
It's what we've been shown
We're living by your rules
That's all that we know

I tried to get to you
I tried to get to you
I tried to get to you
I tried to get to you
Song Info
Submitted by
typo On Jan 12, 2002
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22 Meanings

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Cover art for Candidate lyrics by Joy Division

I like tad42s interpretation and the whole idealism/corruption theme. It boggles my mind how people come up with the ridiculous relationship/ being dumped comparisons. It's easy and pat and annoyingly modern. It seems every freakin song deals with that. Go listen to coldplay if you're into that. Not that these people are necessarily wrong, but I find Joy Division's music above all those trifles.

@komackino Oh man I literally just registered just to say how much I agree. This is exactly what I always think when I see lyrics about relationships, or interpretations of such.

Cover art for Candidate lyrics by Joy Division

I feel as though this is about someone falling out of love with another; someone in the act of cheating. He (just because it's easier then they) is "forced by the pressure" of another's affection to stay faithful, but he's lost the feeling that he once had for this person. He knows what he did was wrong, but still feels the need to blame his partner (I tried to get to you, but you treat me like this); perhaps she didn't want to, or couldn't keep up with his fast lifestyle.

Courting can sort of be looked at as a sort of election; you have the girl (again, just because it's simpler for me to explain) who is debating on which candidate to elect for the position of boyfriend. To call the song Candidate, but voice it as who has already been "elected" is sort of like saying the relationship is over, but he's stepping back up in attempt to get her back.

Cover art for Candidate lyrics by Joy Division

I feel like it is about being suicidal and being spiteful towards God for making life so hard.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Candidate lyrics by Joy Division

Its like a psycho brainwashing government telling people that ive worked so hard to take your minds and thoughts away from you and have them for myself and now you try to riot and revolt against me? Thats not fair all i was doing was to do your job (which is thinking) and now you treat me like this? It obviously can happen in relationships with people (not just intimate ones,regular ones too) when someones driven by the other But i think its more about tricking people into how good is for them to not have a free thought .

Cover art for Candidate lyrics by Joy Division

It's comparing relationships with politics. So both of you are right.

@Schizima This is my thought as well. That he's comparing a relationship to being a political candidate. Or a job interview.

Cover art for Candidate lyrics by Joy Division

this song is about politics

Cover art for Candidate lyrics by Joy Division

no it isn't

Cover art for Candidate lyrics by Joy Division

Yes it is.

Cover art for Candidate lyrics by Joy Division

No it isn't

Cover art for Candidate lyrics by Joy Division

It's comparing relationships with politics. So both of you are right.