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Tabula Rasa Lyrics

I feel so many affectious obstacles
water must be allowed to seek it's own level
I don't seek to strive on others' expense
and the expense is mine as they judge my ways

I'm waiting for the rain to fall for days
I'm longing for the flood to sweep this all away

To grind the mountains to the level of the valleys
to cut the trees to the level of the grass
to asphalt the land in the name of equality
let us grow in mutual respect and care

I will transgress the laws and change the orders
to live within an environment of my choice
so don't force your will or taste the rule over mine
don't stand in the shadow of my hammer
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5 Meanings

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Cover art for Tabula Rasa lyrics by Covenant

this is an amazing song that gives me chills. i think of this song as a dialogue between mankind and nature. the first verse and chorus are nature speaking and the 2nd and 3rd verses are man, except the line "let us grow in mutual respect and care" which is a statement of the author. of course, this is just how i see it.

Cover art for Tabula Rasa lyrics by Covenant

I'm not sure if your interpretation is what is intended by the song (the interesting ones never are)... but I love it anyway.

Cover art for Tabula Rasa lyrics by Covenant

The song is about individuality, in the mind of Swedes. Sweden is a very liberal but socially concious country. Among the first countries in the world to embrace "fair use" and one of the last to outlaw it. At the same time we do not like that which sticks out. To take up room is to disrupt and that which hurts our sense of equality must be levelled to the ground.

Cover art for Tabula Rasa lyrics by Covenant

So the song is a plea for individuality, to be allowed to seek ones own path and a warning not to stand in the way.

Cover art for Tabula Rasa lyrics by Covenant

Tabula rasa (Latin: blank slate) - The rain to wash away our bloodshed, the fire to burn away our sins. So that we can start over , this time 'let us grow in mutual respect and care'. To choose(shape) our environment, not one that was build on current laws and greed but one on mutual respect and care.. . ' so don't force your will or taste the(to?) rule over mine don't stand in the shadow of my hammer' - we should fight for this 'environment', where we can be free and not give it up, like we did with the current one