4 Meanings
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Magic And Mayhem Lyrics

Hey there, tiny wench
My perpetual serf
Put stew in a pot
Bring water for the guest

Before we part
Before your neck is broken
You strike first
Son of the north
4 Meanings
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Iron Butterfly - Inna Gadda Da Vida

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Sick song

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I absolutely love this album. And this song in particular. Hadn't listened to it for years though.

But I got to admit that it wasn't until now that I realised it was about Kalevala. This gets even more interesting :P ! Got to figure out what part of it each song is about..

Btw, is the opening tune taken from another song? Sounds damn familiar. Ja sama suomeksi, oliko toi alun intro tms otettu jostain vanhasta biisistä?

@Durang0: intro on Soittajapaimenesta: youtube.com/watch (for the non-Finnish: the intro is taken from an old Finnish folk song that can be heard in the link above)

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Amorphis's site has a discography section, where they say which part of the Kalevala each song is from. Apparently, this one's from the part (chapter XXVII) where Lemminkainen crashes a party, and the people there aren't too happy about it. He gets into a conjuring duel (the "Magic" part of the title) with the hostess, and chops off the host's head in a swordfight ("Mayhem").

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