6 Meanings
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Black Winter Day Lyrics

This is how the lucky feel
How the blessed think
Like daybreak in spring
The sun on a spring morning

But how do I feel
In my gloomy depths?

Like the flat brink of a cloud
Like a dark night in autumn
A black winter day
No, darker than that
Gloomier than an autumn night
6 Meanings
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This song's lyrics taken directly from kalevala the national legend of finns...it must be the monologue of aino the virgin after her brother promised to give her to an old bard vainamoinen.

It's straight out of the Kalevala, but I'm pretty sure it's the bride's monologue from Runo XXII.

@Noxaru That's "Better Unborn" lyrics.




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From the language used (almost identical to the Kalevala translation I've read), this is translated from the monologue of Louhi's daughter after being reminded of how her life will change with her marriage to Ilmarinen. This is close enough that there's pretty much no doubt.

Song Meaning

Just giving the exact quote (from the W.F. Kirby translation of the Kalevala, about 100 years old so the language is dated, and imitating the unusual metre of the original Finnish text so possibly slightly rearranged) I'm going to put it against the individual lines of the song to show the similarity, all the lines kept in the order they're in in the Kalevala.

Kalevala: "Such the feelings of the blessed, Such the thinking of the happy" Song: "This is how the lucky feel, How the blessed think"

K: "As the spring day at its dawning" S:...

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He could be happy because he likes the darkness...

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Wow, a truly beautiful song. It's probably suggestive of what many Finnish people live through each day, being that many of them suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder resulting from the dreary weather.

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The lucky feel good like light in the spring but he does not feel happy he's depressed more than they are happy.

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This song is about the christianization of Finland. The lucky and blessed refers to those who have converted to Christian side. The main character in the song remains in his ancestor's religion but still feels melancholic seeing the former myths/glories of his people fading away. Well you can't do anything in an age when wailing ass martyrs are taking the places of saga heroes.

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