Oz Is Ever Floating Lyrics
Dr. John C. Lilly is a famous research scientist who just died recently, best known for working with dolphins, created an 'isolation tank'. his work was based on a quest for the nature of reality. He experimented with LSD, Ketamine, and flotation tanks to discover his true self. With this in mind, I think this song is just a tribute to his psychadelic work. One of my fave oysterhead songs
According to Wikipedia at least, Oz is a reference to the recording engineer, Oz Fritz, who was a strong believer in the works of Dr. John C. Lilly. Wikipedia isn't always to be trusted, but it makes sense in this case.
Thanks for clearing this song up senorreverte. Never knew who Dr. John C. Lilly was or anything. BTW, what is Oz?
On the question of who is 'Oz' (in my opinion):
A- They say Dr. Lilly was trying to find 'himself' through the tank and the drugs...maybe Oz represents the characteristic he found as himself.
B- Oz may represent Dr. Lilly's mind. It was always floating from his experiments with drugs inside the tank.
i think Oz is actually just a reference to the movie. i mean Oz in the movie was like the surpreme dream, everything she was longing for, it was the "place over the rainbow" so imi pretty sure oz is like a metaphor for like his goals and like a way to complete his life. which apparently this guy was constantly seeking. its wierd, wierd song. Oz could also be his nickname or something?