You're The One For Me, Fatty Lyrics
You're the One I really, really love
And I will stay
Promise you'll say
If I'm in your way
You're the One for me, fatty
You're the One I really, really love
And I will stay
Promise you'll say
If I'm ever in your way
Some hope; and some despair
All over Battersea
Some hope; and some despair
Oh ...
You're the One I really, really love
And I will stay
Promise you'll say
If I'm in your way
You're the One for me, fatty
You're the One I really, really love
And I will stay
Promise you'll say
If I'm ever in your way
Some hope; and some despair
All over Battersea
Some hope; and some despair
Oh, oh ...
You're the One I really, really love
And I will stay
Promise you'll say
If I'm ever in your way
You're the One for me, a-hey-hey

I don't care why he wrote it... It means something very special to me. I'm fat and I love my body very much. Many boys can't accept me for who I am, however. My boyfriend sent me this song and I cried so hard because all I ever wanted was someone to accept that I'm fat and there's nothing wrong with it. I think I've found that person and I love him so much.

I remember reading somewhere that "You're the one for me, Fatty" was a quote by a British actress who was married to a very overweight Magician who was also quite famous. He being the fatty, was very insecure that she would leave him and she was often qouted in interviews saying "You're the one for me fatty" to reassure him of her love for him.
She was a kitchen-sink drama actress but I can't remember her name for the life of me...

It reminds me of that Shakespeare Sonnet 130. The idea of "Yes, you are imperfect, but I love you anyway". Aww sweet.

This is another lovely love song I think, and I can imagine it being sung with joy by chubby couples up and down the land!
It's about loving people despite their flaws, which is a lovely sentiment. I also like the black humour of 'Promise you'll say if I'm ever in your way' - i.e. if you can't get your fat frame past me!
No idea about the Battersea lines though, other than it being a place in South London obviously.
Where the hell did he get his vocal style from? The 'a-heeeeeeey' bits here actually remind me of Buddy Holly a bit, i.e.
"Everyday, it's a gettin' closer, going faster than a rollercoaster, Love like yours will surely come my--h-waay-a-haay-a-hay-hay"
@FishesWillLaugh i'll just correct one thing: i don't think being fat is a "flaw", and there's nothing in this lyric indicating that morrissey wanted to portray fatness as a "flaw", as if someone who loves a fat person loves them "despite their flaws" (being fat), you know?
@FishesWillLaugh i'll just correct one thing: i don't think being fat is a "flaw", and there's nothing in this lyric indicating that morrissey wanted to portray fatness as a "flaw", as if someone who loves a fat person loves them "despite their flaws" (being fat), you know?
i think fatness is beautiful. i don't view it as a flaw, and i think that's what this song is about: you're the one for me, fatty, and i love you AND your fatness. i love you and think you're beautiful and you being fat is part...
i think fatness is beautiful. i don't view it as a flaw, and i think that's what this song is about: you're the one for me, fatty, and i love you AND your fatness. i love you and think you're beautiful and you being fat is part of it. whoever thinks you're ugly or less beautiful than a thin person is wrong, fuck them.
you could say that there's nothing in the song that indicates this; well, there's nothing that indicates your meaning either. but the meaning i gave is a lot cooler.

i always thought that it was about a gay man using a fat girl to stay in the closet. "promise you'll say if i'm ever in your way" to me suggests that he could take her or leave her, and doesn't want to impose if she has any other options. however, she likely has low self esteem so i guess he doesn't see any problem in using her as his beard.

I think Mozzy has a thing for fat girls. Or maybe he mocks them. Who knows. But in "SOme girls..." it seems like he has'nt noticed that there are fat girls.

also, i really don't think this has anything to do with "some girls are bigger than others". "Some girls" is about girls with big knockers, which is much more plausible for Morrissey to just have discovered.
Also, from a live performance of "Some girls":
on the shop floor, there's a calendar as obvious as snow as if we didn't know
which hints at porno magazines, which contains girls with... you guessed it.

Haha, oh dear. Im going to sound so stupid compared to you lot.
I love this song cuz im in love with a chubby lad. He's never had a gay admirer before and i told him a few nights ago whilst pissed on the phone. HE ALREADY KNEW! Haha, not so sly lol.
Bt yeah i just love this song to peices cuz of my taste in guys XD

It's about a dog that Moz fell in love with at an animal shelter. The shelter was in? Drum role please...................Battersea
Thanks for explaing the one word I did not understand:) Love the artist. Like this cutsie song. Hopefully one day some special guy will be at least thinking this song about me. (I would prefer not to actually HEAR him sing it to me:). There is always hope when you see one really good looking partner (male or female) with a homely partner...and you know it must be love :)
Thanks for explaing the one word I did not understand:) Love the artist. Like this cutsie song. Hopefully one day some special guy will be at least thinking this song about me. (I would prefer not to actually HEAR him sing it to me:). There is always hope when you see one really good looking partner (male or female) with a homely partner...and you know it must be love :)

A love when Morrissey does the tongue in cheek thing. I always wondered if this song has anything to do with the line "How can you stay with a fat girl" from "William it was really nothing", or the song "Some girls are bigger than others". Hmmmmm?