4 Meanings
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Three Summers Strong Lyrics

I will forgive but I won't forget. I will no confirm living stains. We were locked, we had a lot; at times I'd say we had it all. Three summers strong, three summers gone. Love/hate on rooftops and everywhere down below. But I still care, but I'm more aware -- trusting gut before your word that was of worth. Sorry you hurt but you've brought it all upon yourself. What's there to say when it's all been said out loud? Why do you break yourself down and stay close to the ground? Stand yourself up now. I'm stepping out and catching a foothold that's stronger than ever. Who's to blame shouldn't be a care. What's done is done -- go from there and recuperate from past mistakes. We have a choice from rise or fall. Strong ties are made by communication and gravity. The memories of you and I are full of pain that can't be erased. The struggle we couldn't hide, that burned us up, that turned us inside out, has been closd but not thrown away.
Song Info
Submitted by
helixbiker On Jan 06, 2002
4 Meanings
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love this band. just a random song by them i thought i would post on and say that so the world can know.

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this song rocks so much. the chorus is good, with only drums and the ride cymbal...pretty fucking awesome. powerful vocals, and the instensity comes in waves...rocks.

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this song does somethin to me that i cant explain .. its all about the rock..

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this song is powerful.

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