12 Meanings
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Aesthetic Dialectic Lyrics

all of this means
D.C. made me and the rest
of this mess.
you don't even try to
fake it.
all of this means nothing.
D.C. made me and the rest
of this mess.
you don't even try to fake it.
don't eve try.
i'm here because i was ready
to leave.
this should mean more, but it
go dance, dance.
dance to the sounds of
america's best dressed fake-out.
12 Meanings
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in my opinion title of this song is taken directly from Kierkegaards teory on aestetic. He said that theres a clear discource between art and aestete (the one whos reading art) in which theres a love-like undertone. aestete wants art becaouse his in love with it and art needs attention of him couse its her desire to be admirable. So art is subjective and she seducte.

next connection to philosophy is Nietzsches thought about culture. he devides it on two: filister one (people who doesnt want any changes in area around them, their stagnant) and distinguished one. (its characterized by creativity) it also correspond with slave and lord (i dont know the exactly translation in english of it) morality.

and btw: orchid makes me stop and think about everything around me. theres no band like this novadays.

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It's about the emo scene, pretty much. How it changed from kids who had their hearts and souls in the music to a bunch of hipsters with fancy hair. And Washington DC created emo, so.

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i guess this song shows a bit adorno's influences. aesthetic and dialectic are two study areas of adorno's work wich says that: mass produtction is considered a threat to high arts, because cultural goods make people look different, but, in fact, those are simply variations of the same theme. that's what adorno conceptualised as pseudo-individualization. that culture cultivates false needs to feed the capitalist structure. real needs should be, otherwise, freedom, creativity and happiness. the last lines of these lyrics, and the title, are very conclusive about that influence.

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this would make sense, as orchid makes a reference to the frankfurt school in the title of "snow delay at the frankfurt school" (the frankfurt school being a group of thinkers in germany associated with the university of frankfurt, of which adorno was a member). the point being that orchid is, most likely, very aware of adorno's writings.

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In case anyone is interested, these same themes are also addressed by Marcuse, particularly in his work called "One Dimensional Man." Marcuse was also a member of the Frankfurt School.

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orchid is fucking amazing. i really know very little about the band except for the fact that they are fucking brilliant. this song is gorgeous.

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I think it's a clever song. I probably agree with the sentiment.

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the beat of this song makes me go crazy

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much more meaningful than Cameo's "Word Up"... but i'm inclined to use that phrase with this song. Orchid were amazing.

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this would make sense, as orchid makes a reference to the frankfurt school in the title of "snow delay at the frankfurt school" (the frankfurt school being a group of thinkers in germany associated with the university of frankfurt, of which adorno was a member). the point being that orchid is, most likely, very aware of adorno's writings.

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