38 Meanings
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Three Days Lyrics

"At this moment, you should be with us
Feeling like we do
Like you love to
But never will again
I miss you my dear, Xiola
I prepared the room tonight
With Christmas lights
A city of candles

Three days was the morning
My focus three days old
My head, it landed
To the sound of cricket bows, oh

I am proud man anyway
Covered now by three days

Three ways was the morning
Three lovers, in three ways
We knew when she landed
Three days she'd stay

I am a proud man anyway
Covered now by three days

We saw shadows of the morning light
Shadows of the evening sun
'Til the shadows and the light were one

Shadows of the morning light
Shadows of the evening sun
'Til the shadows and the lights were one

True hunting's over
No herd to follow
Without game, men prey on each other
The family weakens by the bite we swallow, oh

True leaders gone
Of land and people
We choose no kin but adopted strangers
The family weakens by the length we travel, oh

All of us with wings, oh
All of us with wings, oh
All of us with wings
All of us with wings
All of us with wings
All of us with wings

Erotic Jesus lays with his Marys
Loves his Marys
Bits of puzzle
Fitting each other

All now with wings

Oh my Marys
Never wonder
Night is shelter
For nudity's shiver

All now with wings
38 Meanings
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The song Three Days is about Xiola's three-day return to Los Angeles for her father's funeral. This would be the last time Perry would see Xiola before her death. The song is, however, not about her death as it was written a few months before that, in 1986. The song alludes to Perry, Casey and Xiola spending their days together in a haze of sex and drugs.


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Ok. here we go. fred39 has every right to call people twats. in this glorious age of freedom of speech people can say what they wish. if anyone has a problem with him, fuck off. this is a site to comment on these songs, if someone disagrees with your opinion they are allowed to write what they feel. if you don't like it tough. this is not a site to post you crappy little messages bitchin about some arrogant fool who wishes to insult anyone and everyone but i think that we can all rise above this. for the record, i don't really know or care what 3 days is about but i can understand and appreciate everyones comments on it. by the way LP, how fucking childish is "lol". how old are u dickhead. twat

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Perry never ceases to amaze me with his superior skills as a lyricist. Jane's songs make you think. 'The family weakens by the length we travel..." The further we advance tachnologically, etc., the more we retreat as people... what happened to morality?

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the first part of the song is about some kind of agreement made by 3 lovers

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this is my favorite jane's addiction song....i have two CDs from them, and i've always been puzzled by this song, but i love it anyways......but anycrap---does anyone know what he says in the backround??? it's sounds like a story...and i can only make out a few words or sentences. is there some significance for the dialogue in the backround? -sara toolzvballdiva6@aol.com

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I got this from xiola.org/articles/perry/word8.htm

three days poem by perry farrell

at this moment you should be with us feeling like we do like you love to but never will again. i miss you my dear xiola. i prepared the room tonight with christmas lights a city of candles fresh sheets we are all full of dense clouds that have a soul. i've been meaning to touch your skin. come closer to me. an alien she was...? no one made friends as easy as Xiola. they were drug pushing constructors. they were always the audience that plagued her. one night I met a boy.

certain lines are repeated throughout the song as well as the volume fading in and out. there are also two tracks of perry saying the poem to confuse you even more.

I am guessing the alien part would be about Ishtar from the Sumerian's story. Or another female alien for that matter.

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Fred39, sorry to upset you, but I have not yet changed my mind. For the record, I am atheist, so I have no hidden agenda when proposing that this song is about 'Perry, Casey and Xiola spending their days together in a haze of sex and drugs' with the theme of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I know that Perry used more drugs than we would imagine possible, makeing him the last person on the planet to act as a poster boy for a religious movement. But if you listen to the song and think about what I wrote I think it will become more and more convincing. I was surprised myself, after having listened to this song so many times, to figure out the reason for all the religious symbolism. I have read interpretations on this song, and have even read articles where band members make mention of this song, and they all say that it was about a drug fest orgy. However, I don't see how that would explain the religious theme of the song. Furthermore, this is not the first song by Jane's Addiction with a religious overtone (e.g. "Had a Dad", "Ocean Size", "Idiots Rule").

If you don't agree, I'm sure your not alone. But explain to me why I am so wrong as to be an 'utter fool'? Am I that wrong? Why bring up so many obvious Christian symbols? And why do they all pertain to the resurrection of Jesus? Why not other Christian symbols? Again, I am ATHEIST... I have no hidden agenda. I am not trying "Spread the Word of God". Either way, that's what I think.

PS - How I Could Just Kill A Man is probably NOT a good Samaritan... lol. At least we can agree on that.

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28, and if we are free to post our opinions without being called names, why did you say that I was "fucking childish"? Maybe this web site is for people who just like to insult each other?

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LP I like your attempt to interpret this song on a deeper level than what it may appear on the outside. Whether you are right or wrong it is refreshing to have new ideas out there.

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you know, LP, i'm worrying about you, you seem to have a real anger management problem. I bet you're sitting at home frothing at the mouth and slapping yourself in the face aren't you? Maybe you're mentally handicapped. I don't choose to dignify your ramblings with a response that is in any way relevant to the argument though i will say that your slightly disturbing fascination with halos seems to have come rather out of the blue. All i can say is, go back to your bed, have a nice lie down, maybe even a wank and maybe tomorrow, just maybe, it won't be so bad. p.s. i am fred39's heir as he was unfairly barred from this site and is having to live his life through a new vessell which is me.

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