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With You There To Help Me Lyrics

In days of peace --
sweet smelling summer nights
of wine and song;
dusty pavements burning feet.
Why am I crying, I want to know.
How can I smile and make it right?
For sixty days and eighty nights
and not give in and lose the fight.
I'm going back to the ones that I know,
with whom I can be what I want to be.
Just one week for the feeling to go --
and with you there to help me
then it probably will.
I won't go down
acting the same old play.
Give sixty days for just one night.
Don't think I'd make it: but then I might.
I'm going back to the ones that I know,
with whom I can be what I want to be.
Just one week for the feeling to go --
and with you there to help me
then it probably will.
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9 Meanings

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Cover art for With You There To Help Me lyrics by Jethro Tull

btw, this song is a love song for his then girlfriend, soon to be wife, and then ex-wife, Jenny. It shows how tiring his touring is, but how the thought of being with her in the end gives him the strength to keep going. And in the end, when he is with her, she helps forget all the pressure and the fatigue of his time on the road.

Cover art for With You There To Help Me lyrics by Jethro Tull

Great song on Benefit.

And who but the cultured Ian Anderson would attend to the grammatical detail of "with whom I can be ...." American English seems to have banished the use of this relative pronoun, objective case "whom." Makes this language teacher proud.

You guys above are spot on. Freaking genius in lyrics and music. Did sixty days for just one night. Just one night back where we're known, loved and appreciated make on hand in there for sixty days out in the whatever desert we have to wald through. "Did sixty days" conveys the sense...

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Cover art for With You There To Help Me lyrics by Jethro Tull


@WYWH It's been 16 years and nobody has taken you up on your fine offer.

Cover art for With You There To Help Me lyrics by Jethro Tull

you're definately right on that ian anderson is right up there the best of 'em (songwriter standpoint) j-tull=fucking genius musical engines that will never die!

Cover art for With You There To Help Me lyrics by Jethro Tull

A CD release of Tull's Isle of Wight Festival performance from 1970 has come out and the version of With You There to Help Me sounds great!

Cover art for With You There To Help Me lyrics by Jethro Tull

Such a cool tune, and that semi-hysterical laughter fits right in

Cover art for With You There To Help Me lyrics by Jethro Tull

Is it just me or does it sound like there is an extra syllable within "can be" in the chorus, so that it sounds like he is saying "with whom I tend to be ..."?

Also, the notes on "week" and "feeling" are strange, almost as though they were flat (though it's probably intentional and still sounds cool).

To be clear, this is an awesome song; that's the only reason I am here. It's otherworldly and touching all at once (though I could do with a bit less guitar jamming ... I think it works best as kind of a sweet but trippy, acid-folk song).

Overall: Love it; I can listen to this song over and over.

@commentman by the way, I hear him sing “then it “prossibly” will” in the first chorus. Is it just me?

@commentman All cool, but personally I think Martin Barre was a big part of JT's superlative status. And those licks I can still conjure in memory, even as the mind fades in general.

@commentman I've heard the same thing since I bought this decades ago. It sounds like he starts to say "then", but cuts off the end of that word.

Cover art for With You There To Help Me lyrics by Jethro Tull

Do I hear him sing “then it PROSSIBLY will” in the first chorus?

Cover art for With You There To Help Me lyrics by Jethro Tull

Didn\'t read to much into the lyrics of this great song to be frank . I just love the way Ian plays the beautiful flowing flute intro of this song . It\'s a terrific song and In April 1970 when Benefit was released in England , I was just approaching my 19th birthday .Though Tull have had many great tunes over their long existence , With You there To Help Me , remains one of my favourite J T songs . Tull were unique and that\'s down to the creativity of the amazing Ian Anderson who after all , is Jethro Tull . " Music" today , is a shadow of the music , compared to the bands I grew up listening with .