Can't You Hear Me Knocking Lyrics

Yeah, you got satin shoes
Yeah, you got fancy boots
Y'all got cocaine eyes
Yeah, you got speed freak jive

Can't you hear me knockin' on your window
Can't you hear me knockin' on your door
Can't you hear me knockin' down the dirty street

Hey, help me baby, I ain't no stranger
Help me baby, I ain't no stranger
Help me baby, I ain't no stranger

Can't you hear me knockin' when you're safe asleep
Can't you hear me knockin' down the gas light street
Can't you hear me knockin' throw me down the keys

Alright now

Hear me ringing big bells toll
Hear me singing soft and low
I've been begging on my knees
I've been kickin'
Help me please
Hear me prowlin
I'm gonna take you down
Hear me growlin', yeah
I've got flatted feet
Now, now, now hear me howlin'
I'm all around your street now
Hear me knockin' I'm around your town
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Submitted by
spliphstar On Dec 17, 2001
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Cover art for Can't You Hear Me Knocking lyrics by Rolling Stones, The

The narrator is infatuated with a rich girl and is tirelessly attempting to get her attention. Maybe the girl lives with her parents, who don't approve of the relationship, and the guy has to sneak in (perhaps he knocks on the window so the girl can open it and toss down the keys so he can get in the house). The verses give the impression that the girl generally has it better than he does ("satin shoes", "fancy boots", "when you're safe asleep"). "Hear me ringing, big bells toll" could allude to wedding bells, but that's just speculation.

To me, the drug references just symbolize the narrator's "addiction" to the object of his affections more than an underlying drug-related theme in the song.

One last thing--the lyrics of this song make me think of the poem "The Highwayman." The Stones probably weren't inspired by it, but it has the same theme--the highwayman rides down to the house where his girlfriend lives, and (if I recall) they have to meet stealthily and in secret because the girl's father doesn't approve. (One of the few "classic poems" that I wasn't force-fed in Language Arts class...XD)

I like this Romeo and Juliet interpretation but also agree with many of the drug-laced meanings woven into lyrics as noted above by aphasia. The hero Romeo, is a bad boy of the streets, of the night life, cute and druggy and bad and working his pleading charms on this girl with the satin shoes and plastic boots. I guess he 's seen her enough to know about her footwear. He wants in ! He needs shelter. There's a cozy paradise for him if she'll just throw down the keys... the tasty jam that follows is this her...

@Sandwich-Masta WRONG! It's about heroin. There is no reference to any girl.

Cover art for Can't You Hear Me Knocking lyrics by Rolling Stones, The

sticky fingers kicks ass

Cover art for Can't You Hear Me Knocking lyrics by Rolling Stones, The

the lyrics sound like someone who's trying to stop doing heroin talking to an old lover.

this song has the best jam ever. they were recording the song and mick taylor kept playing after all the others stopped. they picked their instruments back up and he led them into a great five minute jam.

Cover art for Can't You Hear Me Knocking lyrics by Rolling Stones, The

It sounds like he is a junkie and going in to withdrawls (I've been kickin', Help me please) and is trying to get a hold of his dealer or a hustlers (Yeah, you got satin shoes Yeah, you got fancy boots Y'all got cocaine eyes Yeah, you got speed freak jive) and (Hey, help me baby, I ain't no stranger) He is trying to get a hold of them but its not working

@Commie_Bastard87 It always sounded to me like "speed freak dries" - the dry mouth that goes with extended speed usage.

Cover art for Can't You Hear Me Knocking lyrics by Rolling Stones, The

I first heard this song on the movie blow and I have loved it ever since. And since it was on blow, which is about cocaine I really feel the drug vibe on it.

@MattHead Feel free to continue destroying your brain.

Cover art for Can't You Hear Me Knocking lyrics by Rolling Stones, The

This isn't really about drugs. It's just another installment of "Mick Jagger the prowler"--a continuation if you will of Midnight Rambler. Having said that---it is the single greatest rock song of all-time. Keith Richards is the finest rhythm guitarist ever and an underrated lead guitarist as well.

@JumpyJack OK...I am officially an almost sixty year old nerd with no Life. I went through life thinking the lyrics were "Really should be rocking" and thought it was from the Disco Era-maybe on "Some Girls"-instead of "Sticky Fingers." That Bridge is Da BOMB...for me what stands out is all the Good Sax.

Cover art for Can't You Hear Me Knocking lyrics by Rolling Stones, The

My dad has the intro on his cell, really cool.

Cover art for Can't You Hear Me Knocking lyrics by Rolling Stones, The

Good fellas has "Gimmie Shelter" not this song.

@Big Worm what they Also had in "Goodfellas" was "Sunshine of Your Love" by Cream; a band of such caliber that Classical Musicians Leonard Bernstein and Igor Stravinsky were fans(!)

Without taking anything away from Scorcese films, the soundtracks really MADE (pun intended?) his flicks. "The Bronx Tale" starts out with doo wop and later has "Come Together" by the Beatles. This was an anachronism, since the bar brawl was captioned 1968, yet the song came out a year later.

Cover art for Can't You Hear Me Knocking lyrics by Rolling Stones, The

It's in Blow and Casino (not Goodfellas), and I don't really care what it's about, I just love the start of this song, it kicks ar$e.

Cover art for Can't You Hear Me Knocking lyrics by Rolling Stones, The

from a stoners point of view...its the best song to listen to when your high. this song just makes me want to sit back and rock out. great song + it was in blow with johnny depp so i deff love it