I am fuel, you are friends. We got the means to make amends.
I am lost. I'm no guide but I'm by your side.
I am right by your side. Yeah.
Take my fucking hand. It was their idea. I proved to be a man.
We will find a way. We will find our place.
Drop the leash. Drop the leash. Get outta' my fucking face.
Drop the leash. Drop the leash. Get outta' my fucking face.
Drop the leash. Drop the leash.
Drop the leash we are young. (x2)
Oh, get outta' my fucking face.
Drop the leash. Drop the leash.
Get outta' my, (drop the leash) my... (drop the leash)
Delight, delight, delight in our youth. Owww.
Get outta' my fucking face. Oww.

This song is about a girl Eddie Vedder knows. It works in tandem with the song "Why Go". This girl was living in a very opressive family. When she was caught smoking weed, they put her in a mental institution. Hence "Why Go". Leash is a reaction to how she was treated after she got out of the institution. She was forced to be home by 7 every night, and could not date. This song is Eddie calling to people like her parents to "drop the leash". GREAT song

i'm lost, i'm no guide, but i'm by your side... there's something in that lines that moves me... :-P

I believe this song is about Teenagers, telling them to unite, and be friends and then it turns and tells the Parents and Government and everyone like that to drop the leash and let them live and enjoy their youth.

i've never really understood this song, but i don't care... GET OUTTA MY FUCKING FACE! DROP THE LEASH! DROP THE LEASH!

PJ vs. the media...I think this one is Eddie offering a compromise to the media, to "make amends"..."we" is PJ; they are young, they'll find their place...however, Ed still wants the media to back off ("outta my FUCKIN' FACE")

Teenage rant music. Cool.

I agree with thenarrarator. This song is about being a teenager. Somethings just piss you off, and you just want everyone to get out of your face. You want to unite with all the other depressed teens, and talk about shit. I dunno. I listen to it everytime I'm really pissed at my parents, or whoever. Really awesome song.

i dont really care what it means but Eddie's so angry in this song so its bitchin

I totally agree with aldeayeah. That line rocks and so does "we will find a way". Not sure about "delight in our youth". Is he saying we should enjoy being young, or that society should "drop the leash" and stop trying to influence the young? BTW fleaaaaaa I've always interpreted that line as meaning he got a girl pregnant as a teenager, but the rape thing makes sense as well. Either way, it's about destructive sex.

vs. is their best, every single song kicks ass