Hanging on the Telephone Lyrics
If you don't answer I'll just ring it off the wall
I know he's there, but I just had to call
Did she go to work, or just go to the store?
All those things she said I told you to ignore
Oh, why can't we talk again?
If I don't get your calls, then everything goes wrong
I want to tell you something you've known all along
Your voice across the line gives me a strange sensation
I'd like to talk when I can show you my affection
Oh, I can't control myself!

i agree with super_serial and i'd like to add how it also shoots obsessive vibes. "if you dont answer i'll just ring it off the wall" you know when you're really obsessed about a guy and you call and call .. or since she probably doesnt get along with the mother, something happened "all those things she said i told you to ignore".so she keeps ringing and ringing him..etc.=] i love blondie.

This song is pimp, its on a bmx video which introduced me to it...really killer song!

BLONDIE's version of this song rocks!!!

Yeah, I heard this on that cell phone commercial too. Too bad Cat Power isn't making a full version of the song, last I heard. Also, the last line in the song is not "Hang there unrelieved", it's "Hang up and run to me". Anyways, when I hear this song I picture a girl outside a guy's apartment or somewhere nearby and she's trying to get a hold of the guy but he won't pick up 'cause his mom is over and for some reason the girl and the mother don't get along. She is probably telling the guy to leave her or something ("All those things she said I told you to ignore"). Then once the mother leaves ("I heard your mother now she's going out the door"), then the guy picks up the phone to talk to her. She tells him how much she misses hearing from him and whatnot. Then in the end she just stops the conversation and tells him to come meet her in person ("I'd like to talk when I can show you my affection") because she'd rather speak to him face-to-face.

I think this song is about a girl who is trying to call her ex up. ( i know its been so long).= Long time since they talked last. She misses him alot and is trying to call him just to hear his voice. Shes at a phone both because she doesnt want him to know its her calling him, (( her number)).
His mother ( or a new girlfriend who acts like a mother towards him)) Does not let him call her or talk to her. ( blondie) Maybe shes a common friend of them both.
It's good to hear your voice, you know it's been so long If I don't get your calls, then everything goes wrong I want to tell you something you've known all along
She's feeling so great just to hear his voice again after all this time they have been appart. She wants to tell him something he have known all long ( Perpahps that she still loves him alot)
I had to interrupt and stop this conversation Your voice across the line gives me a strange sensation I'd like to talk when I can show you my affection Oh, I can't control myself.
She cant control herself once she hears his voice, and suddenly Hangs up on HIM ( what irony) She will call him up again once she can show him the same affection as she did before.
Alll i all a timeless classic song! Love it!
Totally didn't have caller ID back then.
Totally didn't have caller ID back then.

Love boarding to this song.

It makes me dance.
But other than that, its a fantastic song by a fantastic band.

The version you heard on the cell phone commercial is by Cat Power..which is a much different version. I recommend checking out the original version by The Nerves. It's a classic.

Loves this song.

I always liked Blondie's attitude. She was a staple of the 70's, which was a great decade for music. This song makes me think of not being able to get a message through such as everything's changed. I'm a whale. You have your own life and it's right for you. Enjoy what you have. It's not right for me. So don't pick up the phone, and when in doubt always go back to the whale part. Here's to Blondie.
Blondie is a group, not a person.
Blondie is a group, not a person.