36 Meanings
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Sleep Lyrics

Well I could sleep forever, but it's of her I dream.
If I could sleep forever, I could forget about everything.
If I could sleep forever.
If I could sleep forever.
If I could sleep forever.
36 Meanings
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This song to me, is about this feeling you can't let go of. This someone who you can't erase from your mind, let alone your heart. And even though you try the memories are there and if you could only find someway to forget that someone, you would try. You would sleep forever to forget him/her.

That's exactly what the song made me think about the first time I heard it. Someone I can never have, and never forget. Damn her.

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It hurts for him to think about the girl because he can't have her. Hence the "but, " in the first line. He can only have her in his dreams, that why he wants to sleep forever. So he can be with her forever and forget about everything else.

@Zicri Good job catching the "but". It is the key to the whole thing.
Right on.

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When you're depressed you usually want to sleep. When you sleep, you escape reality and don't have to deal with your feelings, however in his dreams he sees "her", his love interest. She's the one causing him this depression, this longing to sleep to forget about everything.

He wants to sleep forever to escape her, but there's no escape.

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i agree with the depressed wanting to sleep, but her being in his dreams. after 5 years my ex left over the weekend with no warning and i went from sleeping like 7 hours, to sleeping about 10 to 13 hours a day, and waking up literally every hour because every dream was always about her. you dont want to be awake at all, but you cant even escape with sleep. its pretty lame lol

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This is such an awesome song. I think kayemp3 did a good job with the meaning. Keep up the good work ^.~

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Beautiful Song! you want to forget about this person and he or she is even in your dreams.. so theres no way out!.. its everywhere

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I had never really thought of it in the way kayemp3 put it but that makes a lot of sense. The way I always thought of it was the closer to Zicri's interpretation. I don't know if that's true or not but I always thought it was about someone wanting a girl so badly that he would rather sleep forever and be with her for eternity than to be awake, without her for more than a second. Either way I can relate...

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this is just a really kickarse song.the "i could sleep forever" might be referring to suicide, might be him using it metaphorically, like mentally shutting down, but i like the idea that he wants to escape from her and forget about the things she's done, but she's even haunting his dreams.

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at first i thought it was about suicide. but i listened and it was more complex and beautiful than that. she's keeping him awake/keeping him from sleeping. he can't let go of her and their past.

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I recon because the lines just keep getting repeated that this song reselmbles someones feelings for someone else. wondering what it would be like had they done something different or acted different. Maybe they missed their chance with someone and now dreamm of the moment when it could of all gone their way...

totally agree. can relate to this right now, i had my chance and i didn't take it. the regret haunts me. maybe one day forgive myself.

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