21 Meanings
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Mohammed Lyrics

Again and again.
I get up and say, I only want to get it right.
I only want to do the right thing, but all these demons harass my soul.
I won't be today, I'm alone again.
No one can make that alive, no one can say they're better not when,
all this freedom you get is a lie.
Again and again.
21 Meanings
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I think, at its heart, this song is about the philosophical argument: free will or determinism? It is a classically human trait to regret one's errors and constantly wanting and/or attempting to 'get it right'. The depressing fact is that although we 'again and again' try to self-actualise this, the 'demons' inevitably ovverride our honourable motives. The demons,whether from without or within, deny us our 'freedom' because we submit to them for whatever reason and so the process repeats itself seemingly without hope of resolution. I think the allusion to Islam appears in the second verse,but it could be seen as a general observation about claims of self-righteousness or superiority in 'any' religion. It is probably because the rise of Islam was contemporary to the writing of the song. The question remains though: Are we free or not? 'not when all this freedom you get is a lie'. This could be interpreted in two ways: Followers of Islam or any faith are not free,under a yoke of some type of domination or we,as humans, are not in possession of a free will ,but subject to subconcious to concious Freudian like drives that deny us any 'real' control. The really depressing thing about this is that we can only make any changes,which are not ultimately possible, from within. This is the reason for the lamentation 'I'm alone again', I know what the problem is-its me(my nature) and although I'll try again, I'll come back to the same place.

My Interpretation

spot on, brother

not that i think court would have ever thought of it that way, if i had to guess

not that i know the guy, either

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this guy has some problems with loneliness....


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this song feels like it should mean something to me but i can't figure out what exactly. It reminds me of sitting in my room feeling frustrated and a bit hopeless. Cheerful, eh?

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It's "I only want to get it right" not "get a ride" and "all these demons harass my soul"

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good call alice.

Well, if u listen to this whole album....almost every song on it is about religion or some form of spiritual beliefs. It's kinda weird. Everyone knows that Mohammed is the holy prophet in Islam. I think i get what this song is trynna get across. Its just hard to put in words.

"all this freedom you get is a lie."---he's talkin about "free-America"...when you compare it to the beliefs in any religion or more specifically what Mohammed taught his people, America is pretty corrupt in that department.

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this is my favourite song of all time

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no one can say theyre better, not when all this freedom you get is a lie.

No religion that practices exclusivity can say theyre better than another because their beliefs detract from our freedom of religion. Or simply from a persons personal freedom

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I think it's about a muslim in the USA who just wants to practice his religion without being blamed for the crimes other muslims have commited.

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(actually i doubt it, deliciosa, since this album's from 2000 and modern anti-Islam sentiment in the U.S. is largely rooted in events from 9/11/01 ... before then your average, insular american never thought much about muslims of any sort ... but i dont know for sure) the lyrics are brief and cryptic... it's a beautiful song

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Lakeman - modern anti-Islamic sentiment in the USA didn't materialize on 9/11 - it goes back to the Iranian seizure of the US embassy in Tehran, the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut, probably beyond those events to the oil crises of the early 70's. Deliciosa's comment is plausible - but I think it's more a lonely song about a Muslim in the USA who disapproves of the shallow culture all around him.

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