Be-In Lyrics
I'm alone in my room
and I'll be in for a while
I'm holier when I'm....
I'm feeling good enough to try?
if they're antiquated beyond belief,
might good enough to get me high.
Am I
My only only only friend that
I am, I?
Am I
My only only only friend that
I am, I?
I'm only in my doom,
and I'll be in for a while.
while i sit and wait for the phone to ring
that I'd be happier if I just am.
only, only, omly, only,
only, only, only friend that
I am, I.

because heroin is so passe

the BJM on the other hand.....

This song is probably the Dandies song I relate most to I think. He's talking about sitting in his room being lonly and in need of companionship but not really having the energy to go out and make friends. He justifies his laziness by thinking that perhaps he is the only friend he could possibly want. When I first heard this song I thought it said "Heroin my only only only friend that I ever want" which [obviously] is not something I can relate to but I was relieved to find out I was wrong.

You are aware that the Dandy Warhols are quite famous for taking lots of drugs?

It's very very true. Sorry to burst your bubble, arcarsenal, but this song is probably his way of convincing himself that he doesn't need friends so long as he can get high


I should actually write a bit more and say that this song is also a beautiful start to an album - mega beautiful

they do take lots of drugs but they're not on heroin...

total junkies.

i'm on vacation, gotta change the station,