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Pretty Freak Lyrics

Move for me
Dive in for me
Please pull all my strings

Drink from me
I'll nurse you
Whispers speaking tongues

Picture perfect pretty freak
My blindfold's tighter
Vision's tweaked

I wouldn't mind being happy
I wouldn't mind being me
And in your arms I'd be happy

Pose for me close to me
Make believe you're mine
Grasp my neck
I'll hold my breath
Tighter tighter
Feel me flyin' (Let go let go)

Picture perfect pretty freak
My blindfold's tighter
Vision's tweaked

I wouldn't mind being happy
I wouldn't mind being me
And in your arms I'd be happy

You can take my paranoia
You can take away my pain
Moisture drips
My seizure passes
You're still the same

Intrigue me derange me
Deprive me then give up
Just give in
Please give in
Self indulge in selfless love

Picture perfect pretty freak
My blindfold's tighter
Vision's tweaked
Picture perfect pretty freak

I wouldn't mind being happy
I wouldn't mind being me
And in your arms I'd be happy
I'd be happy.
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