Wah-Wah Lyrics
You've given me a wah-wah
And I'm thinking of you
And all the things that we used to do
Wah-wah, wah-wah
You made me such a big star
Being there at the right time
Cheaper than a dime
Wah-wah, you've given me your wah-wah, wah-wah
Oh, you don't hear me sighing
I don't need no wah-wah
And I know how sweet life can be
If I keep myself free from the wah-wah
I don't need no wah-wah
Hey baby, you don't hear me sighing
Oh, no no-no no
Now I don't need no wah-wah's
And I know how sweet life can be
If I keep myself free - of wah-wah
I don't need no wah-wah

its about the beatles during the recording of Let It Be. The wah-wah meaning a headache. Atleast thats how he explained it in his book, I ME Mine.

To me, the song has something (but only something, not everything) to do with Harrisons love of guitars (or music in general). Earlier, he wrote a song about all kind of things happening while his guitar gently wept; this time the wah-wah-guitar features. I didn't know that wah-wah meant a headache. Did George come up with this meaning? Did the wah-wah sound coming out of a guitar cause Georges head to ache? The song is a good one to open a show with (as George did on - the interesting part of - the concert for Bangladesh). Maybe 'wah-wah' was just the combination of sounds that this kind of song needed to make it grand. Maybe George only added a meaning to it when he tried to write some lyrics around this 'wah-wah' chorus.

George stormed out of a Let It Be session after arguing with Paul, went home, and wrote this.

if that was your idea of a joke, that sucked

now you're giving him too much credit lol

ya im reading the book. its awesome. he was a great man.

i get this song as George giving up drugs. "i dont need no wah-wah" "all the things that we used to do" "cheaper than a dime" etc.

This song is awesome.

I agree with Krstki I thought it was about how his guitar playing made him famous and how he doesn't need it anymore.

It's supposedly about Paul McCartney when the Betales were falling apart. It makes sense for the "you made me such a big star" line and such but the wah-wah part im not sure how it can relate to Paul.