Cigarettes & Alcohol Lyrics
Or have I finally found something worth living for?
I was looking for some action
But all I found was cigarettes and alcohol
To spend your days in the sunshine
You might as well do the white line
Cos when it comes on top . . .
To find yourself a job when there's nothing worth working for?
It's a crazy situation
But all I need are cigarettes and alcohol!
To spend your days in the sunshine
You might as well do the white line
Cos when it comes on top . . .

Booze. Nicotine. Cocaine. Growing up.
I think that about sums it up, yes?

He stole the guitar part from t-rex's song "bang a gong"

I can't believe that this song has beenher for 18 months and viewed that many times and yet no-one has commented. This just is the song of my youth. Brit pop. Blur -v- Oasis. Attitude and you just don't give a damn. You feel invincible and all you need is a fag and a pint and you're fine. C'mon you allmust have felt like that!

this tune is oasis at their best,a proper boozy anthem,dirty fuckin rock n roll,the vocals are amazin and the lyrics just wana make u go out n rob a shop or summat,as for the oasis vs. blur argument,c'mon grow up a bit people,theres only ever been one winner,oasis make the best songs and the best albums,ne actually know a shit oasis song??? thought not

There are only a few things you can really say about this song, but i'll say this: THIS IS ROCK 'N' FUCKING ROLL THE WAY IT IS MEANT TO BE!

ya damn right rosieglow....the first verse just about sums up my day....

yea man, this iz the best eva song that means so much to loads of us as its so fuckin true, fuck blur, let them sing bout country houses, this is the real shit man, this is rok 'n' roll and exactly what being young 2day is all about

meger song!

Liam&Noel say.. Cigarettes & Alcohol- "IT IS FUCKING ROCK!!! When people hear it they start smashing things up or pinching things. Someone wrote and told me they were bored one day, then they heard that song and decided to go out shoplifting. Brilliant. I wanted to write a song that was like Cum On Feel The Noize by Slade. A proper, boozy anthem."

Tells it like it is, but don't get carried away, its saying how people cope with shit. Country House has lyrics that says something different and does that well.