27 Meanings
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The Switch Lyrics

Darkness chokes my emotions. Your breath numbs my soul. Stand with me, by my side. Take my hand and lead the way. Out from the shadows and into the real world. Show me how to live a life owned by regret. My blood runs cold, lifeless in shame. Now is the time, to right the wrong. Inside my veins, poison words lie. Within a mind as guilty as yours. take what is left inside of me. I've no use for it. Stained with thoughts uncaring, open and let me in. [it spun my head when i thought you were talking to me, i guess i'm just a fool for thinking your thinking of me, and now, I press my fist to the pillows wishing it was your teeth] Show your world, deceit. Let me live as you, Need not to feel. Emotions rain down. Drowned by innocence, thoughts escape me. Harsh words spit blindly and open paths of life. Take all that is me, a lifeless somber soul. Curse the day you wake as solace sets in. Darkness chokes my emotions. Your breath numbs my soul. Stand with me, by my side. Take my hand, and lead the way. Out from the shadows and into my world. [My soul is not for you to own]I will not live life to see your face anymore.
27 Meanings
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hey this is my favorite song, and no one elses. Thank god.

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Actually I had just come here to say that this is by far there best song, and I'm surprised someone else feels the same way.

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Everyone seems to like the same song..s and they all are like.. 'emo' people. But in general all FATA songs are good. But if 'emo' is songs with emotions.. then that makes all songs 'emo'. All songs have emotions. Even if they are mindless the writer was feeling something at the time.

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hey toxicfool i totally agree with you. i laughed when i first heard what "emo" meant. i mean, like you said, ALL music is emotional, especially fata. theyre fucking genius

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I think hardcore has so many sub genres now, emo just came up to describe the softer side of hardcore, emotional meaning sad. usually. Now we are getting sad songs but done with anger. I fuckin love it. I call it skremo. I don't think there is a such thing as hardcore anymore, It's grown so much with so many different varieties it's just music hidden underneith the mainstream shit. I'll always love my hardcore heavy and pissed off though. We've seen rap in hardcore we've seen baby gopal gag Next we'll have rednecks in cowboy hats with tribal tattoos singin about how sad and pissed they are cuz their dog died..

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cmon think about that can you imagine singing along with toofless rednecks dodgin' chaw with pig shit on their boots? lol

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We don't care if FATA is an Emo or Metalcore band! I'ts just fuckin' good hXc! That's all we have to know and to say! hXc FOREVER!

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yeah stone.cossard fuck all the categories, music is music, rock is rock, talent is talent and fata certainly has that. gotta love that band

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I really dont like the msuic that is classified as emo. But FATA has emo lyrics but they are a different kind of music then all fo the emo bands. Most emo bands play there watered down punk music and whine all of the time. FATA in my opinion is metalcore with emo lyrics.

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ok this is pissing me off. i cant fuckin look up FATA lyrics with out comming across the topic "wut genre is it" who gives a fuck. its music i like it....thats it. Music is music. If your so closed minded to say "i only listen to punk" or "i only listen to emo" then u dont appreatate music. I listen to wut ever has meaning...wut ever has soul. Music is poetry....expressing ones mind, heart, and yes....emotion. So shut the fuck up with this emocore,hardcore,scremo blah blah BLAH. Its music and thats it. "Darkness chokes my emotions. Your breath numbs my soul."

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