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In the Gray Lyrics

I'm suspended now, hanging in the gray of a weather beaten town. December rolls around, lays a blanket of herself on the ground where comfort lives in sound, like a gun laying cold on the ground with no way to spell it out. There's still much to say of a gun left down. Most of me is elsewhere wondering shall we hear a song or shall we live one soaked to the bone. I'm suspended now, hanging in the gray of a weather heavy cloud, soften my face and bow to bid my farewells to the ground for now. Part of me is sinking and pondering, hope is a gracious term, aligned with the faith that reason has a course to take, may it be the just one until then... I will drown, and go down without a fit. How glorious is it? Bound in sound, even and weightless and free from wrist to wrist.
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Submitted by
xkannenx On Dec 09, 2001
1 Meaning
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We know what know one else does . We are the HOT WATER MUSIC FANS AND WE STAND STRONG. But we stand practicly alone and thats the only way it can be. It is great that not everyone understands you because not everyone diserves to be saved by you like i was. I have realized so much since listening to you guys . You have changed my life . And i am so envious that you are so positive and everything i could ever strive to become. The few that know the truth. we love you HWM . and always will .thank you for all you have writen and for singing your heart out for what you beleve in. You will always be remmembered by the people that understand you. We have faith because of you and only in you. Though i dont think that you will ever get to see the true impact you have on your few fans. I am glad you can see us singing our hearts out with you at your shows. I can only say one last thing that sums you up into one word TRUTH.


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