5 Meanings
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A Credit To His Gender Lyrics

How are you feeling?
How does someone like you elude the moral quarantine
does your repression only server the greater lie
as you abuse and objectify
all the emotions you defeat you've got the world at your feet
because you think you've silenced all the critics of your misogynistic lies
but when you wake up from your reveries you'd better realize
you're a model of virility a specimen divine
as you deflower you empower the false ego trapped inside
and by the virtue of your "conquests" you've endeared yourself
to those who you hold in high esteem

you think you've silenced all the critics of your misogynistic lies
but when you wake up from your reveries you'd better realize
you've got to rectify
that attitude
you're a hopeless case
and now you're too late

you call her a whore
she's just the same as you
though she could never be that shallow
but you just take what you can get
and you throw the rest away
another notch in your belt
another score another lay

you're taking
she's giving
you're losing
you think you're winning
you're time is
running out now
it doesn't feel the same
Song Info
Submitted by
noisetodieby On Dec 09, 2001
5 Meanings
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It is amazing how a band could at one time in their musical careers write such a kick ass song such as this one, and only two short albums later, go to COMPLETE SHIT. What happened to them? What happened to songs like this? Their new stuff BLOWS!

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wow this song uses big words.. confuses me a bit...but my shallow unitelligent mind kinda thinks it has something to do with a guy taking advantage or haveing relations with heaps of girls to prove how 'manly' he is i.e him being a credit to his gender. the section that agent m sings, kinda cements this idea in my head, 'another notch in the belt'. well have a think about that one!! soooo deep! toodles

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its a really good song. talks about overpride of a man taking adavantage of people specially women: " as you deflower you empower the false ego trapped inside". probably an egocentric, hypocrite type of person. yea lyrics are deep!

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about the misogynistic arseholes that are everywhere

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Yup, it's about womanizers. Great song. 10 years later, No Trigger wrote kind of a sequel to the song in "More to offer", what with the chick vocals and everything.

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