48 Meanings
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Failure To Excommunicate Lyrics

It's the principle, it's the issue
That your principal would dismiss you
Because you don't fit into the all-American box
That coffin created for creative thought
It's disgusting, his priorities
And how we're entrusting him with authority

His gavel's gone down
Before he looked in your heart
He finished this race(ism)
Before he reached the start.

Jesus loved the outcasts
He loves the ones the world just loves to hate
And as long as there's a heaven
There'll be a failure to excommunicate

The world just keeps you at an arm's length
Every week you work up the strength
To fight the flames that are hurled
Let your faith shine right through
You know it's the world versus Jesus and you

It's disgusting, their priorities
And how we're entrusting them with authority
Their gave's gone down
Before they looked in your heart
They finished this race(ism)
Before they reached the start
48 Meanings
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Hey guys! I think what he's saying is that it really sucks when people judge you without knowing you but Jesus looks at your heart so "as long as there's a heaven there'll be a failure to excommunicate" meaning no matter what other people say, if you're for Jesus then no one can touch you or throw you out. Cause we win in the end anyways! Isn't God awesome!?!?

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this song is great, and not as fluffy as a lot of relient k stuff. it covers the utter lack of caring in society. yet the song finds promise in God. for as long as the world abandons people, God will find them, and take them in. so no one is ever truely banished.

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this is a friggen awesome relient k song. ive been a fan of these guys for a long time now and im glad theyre getting some air play now. relient k rocks live, too. this song is about how people can turn away from you and make you an outcast, but God will never do that to you. God keeps his promises and outcast or no outcast, Gods on your side if youre on his. its a cool song, kids. heart

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i totaly agree with danniegirl and johnathan. and i'd rather be an outcast in this world than with God. this world stinks cuz ppl ARE judgin your everymove and alota times they dont even know you...we may be out cast but they'll never be able to excommunicate us!

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this song means that even if you are a loser and people make fun of you for what you believe in, that doesn't matter at all because God loves you all the way. People may try to take God away from you, but you will never be taken from God. very powerful message.

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this song is quite literal.. it means that being a Christian you are an outcast and the world judges you according to this... reminds me of a verse in 2 Corinthians... 2 Corinthians 4:17 "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." You will never be judged according to your social status, your looks, your intelligence, or anything by my King. Jesus died for you, do you live for Jesus?

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I think is means that Jesus even loves those who no one else does...simply

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This song may have been written based on an experience he had in high school, but the meaning goes for anyone who looks different. People judge by what they see, and try to make you feel like an outcast. However, God loves us no matter what, and only He can say when it comes to excommunication. The world can try to excommunicate us for whatever reasons, and the church can try to excommunicate us for a slightly different action on our beliefs, but only God has the decision for excommunication from heaven.

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this song is really awesome, I love relient k!!

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I like K a lot too, But I don't under stand what "Failure to Excommunicate" means. These guys are awsome. The Live show is great.

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