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K Car Lyrics

Is it just a car or is it so much more? It's a superstar with the gas to the floor. Zero to sixty in remarkable time. Its the automobile that's top of the line. We got a k car on the road of life. We're gonna get far if the driver's Christ. Is it just a car or is it so much more? It's a superstar with the gas to the floor. In a drag race all the others fall and Brandon Ebel just gave us a call.
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4 Meanings

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Cover art for K Car lyrics by Relient K

YAY! I;M THE FIRST ONE TO MAKE A COMMENT IN HERE! this song is so cute(haha).. its saying you will get far in life if you ahave christ.. saying in the road of life if you're in a car and jesus christ is the driver.. then you're good man.. you're good.

Cover art for K Car lyrics by Relient K

I think this song doesn't have much meaning. Just a typical silly RK song. As some may know a Reliant K(with an 'a' not an 'e' like the band) or K-car is a car put out by Plymouth. Anyone who has had the misfortune of driving one knows that they suck. Also Brandon Ebel is the founder of BEC and Tooth and Nail Records who first gave RK their deal. And when you add a missing third verse you get a clearer picture: we got a k car on the road of life. we're gonna get far if the driver's Christ we got a k car she suites the band and we're gonna get far cuz it's in God's hands, it's in God's hands

In my opinion, I think Relient K is saying, in a sentence, 'we aren't that good but if God's driving we'll go far.' Now I'm not saying that they aren't good, but I think they feel that their talent comes from God and consequently without Him they would be just like a junky K-car.

Cover art for K Car lyrics by Relient K

Actually... the band's name came from Matt Hoopes's car, a Plymouth Reliant K... it was an old trashed up car & they actually stopped it in the middle of a highway to see how fast it could go from 0 to 60 in... zero to sixty in remarkable time... & then tieing all that in w/ their message about Christ... ya just a lil bit o' backround :-) hehe

Cover art for K Car lyrics by Relient K

It's all about the metaphors, y'know? Like the car is the way of making the journey through life&how Christ can help them through life, no matter what's thrown at them. Well, I was listening to it before&that suddenly hit me.