27 Meanings
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This Protector Lyrics

I never knew that I had to be
this protector
So many thoughts inside my head
a strange collector
but now

You thought you heard a sound
there's no one else around
looking at the door
it's coming through the floor

300 people living out in
west virginia have no idea
of all these thoughts that lie
within you but now
27 Meanings
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I'm from West Virginia and that is the only line that i seem to understand from the song. It isnt the Moth Man stuff. WV is a very small, closeminded place where you could look around at any walmart and find hundreds of exact matches for the hillbilly sterotype.

Anywho, i think that "300 people living out in West Virginia-Have no idea of alll the thoughts that lie within'ya" is about not opening your mind, never allowing yourself to experience things. If you can't think for yourself, you never know what you're capable of. I think West Virginia is used because it is so small and it is so sterotypical for those who are your regular hilljacks. I could be wrong, but that's what i got out of it. by the way, it's a great song, no matter what it means.

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This song is supose to be alluding to the 1972 Buffalo Creek Disaster in Logan Co, West Virginia. On February 26, 1972, the coal slurry impoundment damn #3 burst after days of heavy rain fall unleashing approximately 132 million gallons of toxic black coal waste water, cresting over 30ft high, upon the residents of 16 coal mining hamlets in Buffalo Creek Hollow. Out of a population of 5,000 people, 125 were killed, 1,121 were injured, and over 4,000 were left homeless. 507 houses were destroyed, in addition to forty-four mobile homes and 30 businesses. The disaster also destroyed or damaged homes in Lundale, Saunders, Amherstdale, Crites, Latrobe and Larado. The mining company who owned the dam referred to the disaster as an "act of God" as the coal industry often does when something they do takes a turn for the worst. I, myself, lost family in that flood. The worst part is the coal industry is still, even today, harming people with little to no responcibility. They care more about that dollar sign associated with coal than they do about the people they harm. If anyone would like more information on the subject you should visit my youtube channel "All Eyes On Appalachia" or just search youtube for my screen name "cardinalsboi22". Today is February 23, 2010, in 3 days it will be the 38th anniversary of the disaster. May those poor souls lost in the name of coal company greed rest in peace.

Song Meaning
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My absolute favourite white stripes song ever.

It's just weirdly beautiful, but no one ever understands it!

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Perfect close to an unbelievably perfect album. I started listening to the Stripes when Icky Thump came out, and hearing this album has blown my mind. Going from this to his work with the Raconteurs, Jack is just so talented. And nice, I hear. I live about 4 hours from Detroit - next time he's there, I might just have to kidnap him. Oh, that sounds a bit creepy, doesn't it?

Actually, I've been told this song is alluding to the Buffalo Creek Flood that occurred in West Virginia in 1972. The flood was caused by the collapse of a dam that was built and maintained by the Pittston Coal Company. Only four days after the dam was declared "satisfactory" by a federal mine inspector, it burst spilling 132 million gallons of black waste water that killed 125 people and injured several thousand as well as leaving 5000 homeless.

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This song might be about The Buffalo Creek Flood disaster in West Virginia in 1972. Long story short, a coal mine dam failed which flooded the community below. A federal mine inspector cleared the dam as "satisfactory" only 3 days earlier.

The song sounds like it is written from the mine inspector's point of view. He did not know that his oversight of the sounds he thought he heard would result in a disaster. The people in West Virginia didn't know that he thought he heard something.

...or it could just be a good rhyme...

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First of I do not think that anyone can definitively state what this song is about, interpretation is of musical expression is left for the listener, as it should be. that being said i have a hard time making a strong connection to the oil related disaster in west virginia and i think those people who believe its related to the mothman prophecies need to look deeper into music and not take it so literal.

in my opinion, which is all i can offer, this song is about a person coming to a realization of self confidence and understanding. this protector is the guard that has kept the true nature and character of the person confided within itself, similar to how pink floyds wall keeps all things out. The "so many thoughts" are locked inside the persons head and everyone he/she knows, the 300 people in west virginia, have no idea what character and thoughts actually lie in the person's brain. The realization comes when the person finds that the "sound" is the beginning of his/her change and it is not coming from an outside person or friend, through the door, but rather from his/herself, seemingly up through the floor and through the body.

and the true power to this song comes from that is the end of the album, but rather than a closing thought or emotion, it actually leaves it as the rebirth and new beginnging of this persons life, a life previously, he/she is plagued by feeling alone and protecting his/herself from judgement or whichever, "but now," he/she can live life as it should be, free from the confines of this protector.

again just my interpretation and im sure ive messed up some shit or missed something but i thought id throw out my take on it to hopefully change and benefit the way you see it

My Interpretation
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To me, this is the most beautiful song on the entire album. I absolutly LOVE this song and I don't think the album would be the same without it. It's the perfect closing to an almost flawless album.

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can anyone tell me what it's about?

JerzeePNoy, the song is alluding to the 1972 Buffalo Creek Disaster. See my post below for more information on it.

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I think the point is about a friend being your "protector." Whenever something goes wrong, they are the one you turn to for help. However, I think the actual song is about someone who's paranoid and this person doing whatever they can to comfort them.

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I doubt it was meant to be taken that literally. But then again, I'm not trying to figure out exactly what it's about, so think what you'd like.

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