The Blankets Were The Stairs Lyrics
in written words held like a seam i have no hand to heal
i can't imagine your emotions wrapped around inferior
hold that iron.infereior my hand to heal your wounds won't
heal my longing for your warm embrace why can't it see
the thinking to me my sence of one is open time to run and
drink like astiocles so sideways inferior hold that
iron.late again my breathing is leaving after yours
stay one time holding things i know you're asking for you're
always there inferior my time to let it go to my brother
hold that iron time to collide your face is strong
your eyes want to unfold inside of me inferior.late again
my breating is leaving after yours stay one time holding
things i know you're asking for throw away for these things
can go no longer

Ahhhhhhhh jesus. Hardly any song is as good as this one to me. This is sooooo powerful, I love it.
Meanings? So confusing, especially with Sunny Day Real Estate, ESPECIALLY with Diary! I'd say, maybe a few things. #1: the Title. The Blankets Were The Stairs... perhaps a relationship where the bed is the only time they get along? the only place they can make progress?
And I've been thinking about the rest. You can make a claim the song is about one lover killing another. "Late again, my breathing is leaving after yours"
And other stuff. But I don't know if I'll ever know.

This is an exerpt from a 1998 tour review, just a little factoid:
I asked about astiocles. He said, "Astiocles is a secret Greek god...
well we made him up. Actually when we were recording diary, I didn't have set
lyrics a lot of the time. So when i was singing that song i didn't really know
what i was singing. When we listened to it afterwards it sounded like i was
saying 'astiocles so sideways'."
...oh yeah and when he (jeremy) was talking about astiocles he said, "yeah dan
and i made up the story of him being a greek god that could drink up the sea.
Eventually he was going to be a recurring character. Eventually the play would
be out." He was joking about the play part, so don't ask him when it's coming
out. ~brandon

It's about a break up.
He feels so inferior to her.
He just wants to fix things and bring her back, but he knows he can't.
Obviously she gets over the break-up quicker than he does. He does, in the end, want to get over it too though.
I might be completely off, but that's what I think.

I'm with you...this is a great song..very confusing to say what it is about for sure..but whatever it is about there...there is alot of deep emotions put into the lyrics of this song.

This is the reason why SDRE is considered godfathers of "emo". This song is essentially the same kind of stuff TBS, Bright Eyes, etc. are singing about now. Personally I don't consider SDRE to be emo (if anything, I'd say melodic alt-rock), but you can see why so many newer emo groups cite them as influences.

vincent h, honestly i have no idea what you are talking about sir. but this song is amazing as much as its lyrics are confusing. i think everythingfalls brang up some good points. it might be about a relationship that just couldnt work any longer.

Vincent H. It was a decent idea, but emo was talking about this stuff way back with Julia and Embrace and such in the late 80s. Lifetime and Hot Water Music influenced more of the new emo ;) But yeah I'd consider SDRE alt-rock, although they prefered to be called emo.
I have absolutely no idea what this song is about haha.

Umm vincenth, while I respect your opinion, Taking Back Sunday is NOT emo. SDRE is. Just check out Real Emo (or something like that) on It all explains true emo there. Even Jeremy;s solo releases can somehow be linked to true emo, and the fire theft as well.

best song ever? it's very likely.

Sounds like it's about a relationship where the girl needs support (stairs) from the narrator but the narrator is too weakened from his own problems to help her (blankets).