Tired And Uninspired Lyrics

I shouldn't be hard to find...
I'll be the one with my big mouth moving;
my big words, saying nothing.
I hope you know
it's not my father's fault I'm such a bore,
and so afraid of everything.
I'm keeping inside; living in my mind;
hoping that the telephone don't ring--
with, "It's all right... pain is universal, baby"--
and worrying about what I'm going to sing.
I'm staying in, and saving up my energy.
I know my day is coming.
And when I find it, I will rewind it
(and play it over again a hundred times).
And when I hear it, I will not fear it--
I will say it back again, and say, "I'm fine."
("Relief!..." "Relief!...")
"I'm fine."
Song Info
Submitted by
noisecore On Dec 08, 2001
6 Meanings
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this song is so great. "i'm keeping inside; living in my mind..." sometimes its better to just deal with our feelings by ourselves without having people trying to reassure us and justify these feelings for us...and then that moment when we know that after thinking and dealing with it all on our own.....it's finally alright.

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i really like the melody of this song, his voice sounds especially good when he holds out some of the words a little longer. I've just bearly started listening to them but from what i hear i really like them.

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This song is very depressing and cheerful at the same time.

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In the ways I try to deal with you, this is the method I resort to most often. I'm too scared to move forward, and hating myself for staying here. Please forgive me. All I need is relief. L.O.C: 'I'm staying in, and saving up my energy.'

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I think this song is about putting on a mask to cover up what you're really feeling.
"I'm keeping inside, living in my mind..." is like bottling everything up inside, not being open or sharing your thoughts, feelings, dreams, or troubles with those around you.
When you're alone, with your own thoughts, you're "living in your mind"... and then when you go back out into the world, you put on a happy face saying "I'm fine"... hoping to convince yourself that you really are fine, even if sometimes, you aren't.

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this was the theme song of my life last year.

anti-social, depressed, realizing i couldn't keep blaming my dad, wanting to be better

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