I Like Birds Lyrics
The trophy wives of the astronauts
And I won't listen to their words
'Cause I like
Crazy auto car gonna mow me down
Look at all the people like cows in a herd
Well I like
And on a search
I've got a feeder for you to perch on
The mean little people are such a bore
But it's all right if you act like a turd
'Cause I like
And on a search
I've got a feeder for you to perch on
And on a search
I've got a feeder for you to perch on
I've got a feeder for you to perch on
If you're small
And on a search
I've got a feeder for you to perch on
I've got a feeder for you to perch on

Yeah this is about his mother who died. She was an avid bird watcher and had lots of feeders, as well as books. He took the feeders and put them in his own yard after she died. This song is for his mother and her passion for birds.

He just loves the way that birds are free to do what they want with no worries...

I can definatly see why this could be written in relation to his mother. However, when I first heard the song, I thought it was E's way of saying that he's tired of the modern development of mankind. "I don't care for walkin' down town Crazy auto car gonna mow me down"
"I can't stand in line at the store The mean little people are such a bore"
So instead he prefers to dismiss modern society and relax in the peaceful comfort of nature.
However, the relation to his mother theory seems better; afterall many of the Eels songs are about his deceased loved ones.

Great driving song in the nice weather.

He mentions the connection to his mother in the sleeve notes for Meet the Eels.

His mother owned these books on birds and so he sung a song about birds in relation to his mother. A lot of songs in this album are for/about his mother.

Cool, I didn't know that.
I always interpreted it as a metaphor for dreams: the small ones being just as noble as the big ones. Blasting into space is certainly flying high, but it's a product of and thereby a contribution to the mechanized rat race game you have to play if you want to win big. The little victories, however (that only involve being yourself), are more important.

He hates society around him, and the "I like birds" is a reference to him liking to "flip people the bird", or show his middle finger.
The feeder is his hand ("bite the hand that feeds you") and the "search" is looking for things he despises.

I don't buy the mother bit, I don't see anything related and it's easy to just say his mother had books about birds, plausible, but sounds really silly when you think about it.
I'll go with the freedom aspect of birds, they can just fly above all the shit that goes on below without care minding their own business.
I like the chorus, I don't think there's too much to draw there other than he's talking about birds again...
of course writing a song about birds is a pretty silly...but it's a fun song all the same.

this song is so awesome. when i first heard it i was just like, this is great! why don't other people think of this??? and that marks the beginning of my journey to the eels.