Not Ready Yet Lyrics
And I know, 'cause I've heard talk
In my sweetest dream
I would go out for a walk
Not feelin' up to it now
Just not that steady yet
And I don't need you telling me how
If my stone face cracks again
Maybe some time sooner or later
I'm not feelin' up to it now
Just not that steady yet
And I don't need You telling me how
Don't you tell me to lighten up
Maybe some time sooner or later
Not feelin' up to it now
Just not that steady yet
I don't need you telling me how
I don't need you telling me how
I don't need you telling me how
I don't need you telling me how
I don't need you telling me how
I don't need you telling me how
I don't, don't need you telling me how

This is about alienation. This song meant a lot to me a few years ago when i wasn't very happy with life in general. I think many people have felt alienated from the rest of the world, and just lock themselves away in an attempt to determine what it is they are worried, and to see if anyone will come looking for them. That's what i believe this song to be about, and its a great song.

Sometimes, when you're feeling sad, and people tell you things like "Oh, you can be happy, just try and be happy and you'll be happy. Cheer up, go do other stuff, it'll make you feel better" and though their advice is sound, you just don't feel like trying, you want to tell them to leave you alone, i'll do that when i'm good and ready! Anyway, i think that's what this song is about =)

I can appreciate any song thats not about love or teen angst (both being very old and tired topics). In general, I think its a song for all the people out there who just prefer to keep to themselves for whatever reason. And besides that, its just sounds so great. It has this driving, lonely rhythm that perfectly conveys the meaning of the song's lyrics.

It's about E's sister who had mental problems and didn't feel strong enough to go out but wanted to.

I think carpet of doom is right. But i don't think that she wanted to go outside. I think she would rather stay inside.

I agree with pretty much everything thats been said so far...
I think it's about not bing able to cope with the neurosis of modern life and just locking yourself away and not listening to ppl when they tell you things will get better when it is appaent to you that they won't. dunno if that made any sense or not...

yeah, it did dressed2depress. great description. although, i wouldn't say "modern" life, but just life in general... it's about fear of life, fear of the experiences and feelings it brings along. great comment by xpankfrisst as well btw.

i agree with what's already been's just about not being ready to cope with your problems...
my favorite eels song and one of my favorite songs of all time =)