I Will Not Take These Things For Granted Lyrics
one part just needs the quiet
and if i'm lonely here, i'm lonely here
and on the telephone
you offer reassurance
i will not take these things for granted
how can i hold the part of me that only you can carry
it needs a strength i haven't found
but if it's frightening, i'll bear the cold
and on the telephone
you offer warm asylum
i'm listening
flowers in the garden
laughter in the hall
children in the park
i will not take these things for granted
to crawl inside the wire and feel something near me
to feel this accepting
that it is lonely here, but not alone
and on the telephone
you offer visions dancing
i'm listening
music in the bedroom
laughter in the hall
dive into the ocean
singing by the fire
running through the forest
and standing in the wind
in rolling canyons
i will not take these things for granted

why has no one commented on any of these songs??? this song got my through a lot. the imagery of those things he talks about "the music in the bedroom, laugher in the hall" all those things. glen is so good at bringing out that side of himself...this song is obviously written to someone whom he loves and is away from (maybe because of touring back in the day) and he just wants her to know he is thinking of her and he will not take for granted what they have together, the dreams they hold. its a song about the dream of love and family, and that those things are important to him. its wonderful.

This song makes me think about when I was in the hospital. I was bounced from hospital to nursing home to rehab..back and forth and back...for a year to the day...after being in and out for the previous six months....for various infections and physical rehab flollowing an extended icu /hoapital stay. You don't know how much you take for granted until you lose it. . The telephone was my lifeline to my husband and chikdren, they were 22 miles away. I got to see them a few times a week. My 3 year old I saw more often ,she onky had a half day of school then so my parents sometimes brought her for an hour or two while my 6 and 7 yerar old were still in school. My 7 year old was afraid to come sometimes, it upset it. him.
I didn't get outside for 10 months excwpt transferring to and from ambulances to go to dr appointments.You take for grasnted the sunlight on your face, the feeling of fresh air on your skin., the feeling of grass under your feet. You don't knowt until you don;t have it.

maybe I'm reading too much into it but it seems like he's saying he has a secret he wants to share but is afraid to. Some things you can only share with someone special. And some things make you appreciarte the "little", every day things more. And some things...you just can't get through alone.

This song is really great, lyrically and melodically. I think Davkaty20 pretty much took care of what it means...such a great song!

This IS a great song, i can so relate to it. Having something that you need to talk about but can't, or don't know how to put it to words. Some things, some secrets, can only be shared with someone very special.

this song totally reminds me of aaron... for those of you who don't know me (all of you) aaron lives in utah... (i live in kentucky) and i love him.. and when i'm lonely.. even over the phone he makes me feel better.. and i just want to crawl through the wires and be in his arms.... and its not possible... i'm having to kinda let him go right now.. and its rough...but anyways.. the more special he makes me feel the more i realize how comforting things around me can be... and appreciate teh beauty of whats arond me.. rather than wishing for more. i wish i could be with him.. but when i wish i'm sad. if i just appreciate what i have on the phone with him.. i have what i want and i can be happy....

This is the sort of song that actually should be an overplayed wedding song (like Lone Star's "Amazing) but probably isn't because Toad is not quite as well-known and this song wasn't a big radio hit. But melodically and lyrically, it is a perfect wedding song. The "I will not take these things for granted" line is repeated a lot, but the song is melodically so perfect with a great crescando that I just don't find it to be annoyingly repetitive. It's perfect.


I really like this song and the other sounds he is hearing while on the phone. How he can be alone, but not alone while he is talking to his girlfriend. then how he is listening to outside things that turn into memories of events he shared with her. which he isn't going to take forgranted. the solo is so simple and so perfect in the song.

After my sister's husband went to drug rehab at nearly 40 with 3 kids, I suddenly heard this song as coming from someone who had been sent to rehab for drugs or a suicide attempt. After being separated from everything and everyone, not getting to see his wife for a couple months and not seeing his young children at all, made me think that he might put things in perspective finally.