Something To Say Lyrics

He's got a thing about losing control
Carries it a mile just to see how far he'll go
And he brushes up his chops as he tries to fake a smile
A friend indeed but what I need's someone who'll stay a while
Someone to stay a while

You can bend my ear
We can talk all day
Just make sure that I'm around
When you've finally got something to say

He drops hints but he won't tell you what's really on his mind
But I know if I look that it's easy to find
And he's got a way with his anger and the way he lets it show
Like the smoldering smoke when the fire's left the coals
The fire has left the coals

You can take me down
You can show me your home
Not the place where you live
But the place where you belong
You can bend my ear
We will talk all day
Just make sure I'm around
When you've finally got something to say

And what are you meaning by
"I don't deserve this life?"

His door is always open and he's always got the time
To give a little something even though he gets behind
And your trips become his and your lives are intertwined
But like the horse with the junkie it's all in your mind
It's all in your mind

You can take me down
To show me your home
Not the place where you live
But the place where you belong
You can bend my ear
We will talk all day
Just make sure I'm around
When you finally got something to say

Finally got something
Finally got something
Finally got something to say
8 Meanings
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I cannot believe no one has commented! This is such a terrific song! The words are just incredible and the music is beautiful. For some reason, I love the line "you can take me down / you can show me your home / not the place where you live / but the place where you belong" ... it just gets me every time.

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This song has always been about two things for me. I've known two people who have severe anger issues.. one who's smart enough to be aware of it, and tries damn hard to always supress it, and another who's basically a very scary guy most of the time. They're father and son.

But also, and what I think the song's really about, is being traped in a relationship with the latter kind of person.. traped because you fool yourself into believing something that just isn't true. Why isn't really revealed in the song, but it doesn't have to be. Such a beautiful song, that drives me to anger and frustration if I let myself think about the one girl I've known who's let herself get abused like that. I didn't even like her.. in fact, when I'm feeling cold, I can almost argue that she deserved it, but no one deserves shelter and abuse as inseperable.

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Ahh, this song's awesome, Toad is such an underrated group, nobody I know can even name one song of theirs, and they have a ton of great ones

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I'm with you catherineks...that stanza hits me in a way that millions of thoughts explode through my head. I especially relate to the whole song because I feel it describes me. Always putting myself aside to be there or help everyone else. I usually say what's bothering me through hints or notions. And I keep my anger in...smoldering after the fact. This whole album, no all of their albums are awesome.

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his door is always open and he's always got the time to give a little something even though he gets behind

This song makes me think of when people go through the motions, myself specifically included. I always put my priorites above people, which is dare i say rude for lack of a better term Maybe i should say its not real, because I percieve these trivial goals to be so important in my life and I fabricate conversation just looking for an oppritunity to go forfeit the conversation and go get my "list" done. yet in reality i dont ever remember what grades I made, i remember those meaningful conversations. So what its saying to me is Im forfieting meaningful conversations by contriving fake conversation.

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I've been listening to this song since the CD came out. The meaning of the lyrics always seem straightforward but when I actually think about them, I find the meaning to be just out of reach. I will give it a shot though.

The person he's singing to/about lives on the street. The singer runs into him every now and then, maybe at the park or waiting for the train or just on the way to the store. One day, a long time ago, he took the time to hear what the person had to say. They chatted, discussed things of moderate importance and bonded though the street person never really revealed very much personal information.

At some point prior to meeting the Narrator, the homeless person was hurt, badly. Maybe in the military or he was in a bad car accident, maybe he lost his family in a fir. Whatever the tragedy, he found himself unable to hold a regular job. Little by little, the homeless person built a life for himself, living off the kindness of others, odd jobs and perhaps a shelter now and then.

When the homeless person and the Narrator meet they begin an unusual friendship. Over time though, the Narrator realizes that his friend is holding back. He has learned little about the man personally and knows nothing of what caused his predicament.

My Interpretation
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@catherineks The line "you can take me down / you can show me your home / not the place where you live / but the place where you belong" speaks to everyone at some point in their life. For most of our lives, home is the place where we belong. For most people, there is/was a point, often late teens to twenties (generally but not always) where home is not the place we feel most comfortable. We feel closed in by other's rules and reach out for a place to be ourself.

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This song reminds me of my mother.

I take this song to be about an abusive relationship. Glen Phillips is an outside observer who can see how this man fakes a smile when in public, but can see he has a way his anger. The line, "He'll take it a mile to see how far he'll go" send chills up my spine.

This woman dosen't have enough confidence in herself to know that she deserves better. Instead she fools herself in believing in a fantasy that he is there for her and their lives are intwined, but it's all in her mind.

Glen Phillips is saying I know. I can see it. When you finally had enough, I'll be here. Make sure you come to me when you finally have the courage to tell me everything!

Where are you getting that this song is about an abusive relationship from the perspective of a woman? I don't see that at all.

What I say is a non-romantic relationship between the narrator and someone who deep inside is a great person, but has a thick outer shell that makes them really hard to be seen for who they really are.

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